INTEREST CHECK: Flotsam, an Indie game of role-play over roll-play (no dice, no GM)


This is an interest check to see if there are any players out there who might be interested in playing an indie game called Flotsam by Black Armada Games.

The game designer wrote:

Flotsam is a roleplaying game about outcasts, misfits and renegades living in the belly of a space station, in the shadow of a more prosperous society. The focus of the game is on interpersonal relationships and the day-to-day lives and struggles of a community that lacks the basic structures of civilisation.

Imagine the Belters of the Expanse watching as Earth and Mars shape their lives; the civilians in Battlestar Galactica living with the decisions made by the military; and the folk of Downbelow in Babylon 5, abandoned to destitution and squalor by those who built the station.

This game is about characters like that.

You can get a copy here or alternatively here.

This is very much not a ‘hard’ sci-fi game – it has mystics and psychics and weird AIs and spirits and in fact is more about exploring the social side, with a hard emphasis on role-playing.

It’s a fun game and I’m hoping to find a few players willing to play it with me.

Sounds intriguing. Would it be play-by-post? I assume I would need the pdf you linked to draw up a character? No handy website or wiki with the ruleset online?

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