Hey guys it been a while!

Playtest General Discussion

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I feel like we all taken a moment and stepped back from the SF-2E Playtest to look at the new Pathfinder 2E content. With War of Immortals, Divine Mysteries and now the Impossible Playtest, I came back here to say SF-2E is still cool.

I just can't seem to get a Solarian to work in a mostly Melee party, up to the fact I Want to use supernova and it feels so odd not being able to use my amazing level 1 class feature.

On the other hand Envoy is insane in any party.


I'm courious to play test the necromancer in the Starfinder Playtest, because in Starfinder undead can even have citizenship in the Pact Worlds, it seems like necromancers would fit in better, or even become media superstars like Zo!

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