Glaive Swashbuckler Build


Working on a build for a game, and decided to try a class I haven't tried yet. I wanted to distance myself from the usual power builds of Slashing Grace Scimitar to make my character a bit more unique, and thanks to the DM agreeing on a few points, I think I have a good base nailed down, but I would love to hear additional thoughts on feats, traits, and class ideas.

Right now, the DM has approved using a Fauchard in place of a glaive for Bladed brush, as even the description says they are basically the same weapon. This turns my Glaive: 1d10 19-20x2 crit, into a Fauchard(reflavored to glaive): 1d10 15-20x2 Crit, at the cost of an exotic proficiency to wield it. Which I am extremely greatful for. We are starting at level 5 right now, but After looking around a little, I saw a few ideas I kind of like.

Swashbuckler 1: Deeds, Panache, Swashbuckler's Finesse
Swashbuckler 2: 3/day Charmed life
Swashbuckler 3: Nimble

Feat 1: Weapon Focus: Fauchard
Human Feat: Exotic Prof: Fauchard
Feat 3: Bladed Brush(Glaive can be a 1-handed piercing or slashing weapon, Can remove or re-add the reach property)

At this point is where I'm starting to branch out in other potentials. I could go straight Swashbuckler through to higher levels, Taking Slashing grace for dex to damage(DM approved this) or Look into multiclassing a little. A fun build I found reccomended 2 levels in Paladin for lay on hands, 1/day smite, and +cha to all saves. Then several levels in Devoted Muse. Devoted Muse stacks with Swashbuckler levels (-3) for deeds. But just the first level grants the pretty great +cha to AC.

If I multiclass, I'll probably do Swashbuckler 3, Paladin 2, and Take Muse 1 Immediately, before doubling back to Swashbuckler 4 for the bonus feat, then sticking with Muse until the game ends or that caps out. Though I'd need to swap feats, or delay muse as I need Combat reflexes and Improved Feint. DM was once again kind enough to allow Swashbuckler finesse to carry as a requirement for Devoted Muse, since it's pretty much a swashbuckler prestige. So I think It'll end up being Feat 5: Combat reflexes, and Swashbuckler 4 feat being Improved Feint. So I can take Muse at 7th level, and Slashing Grace at 7th as well.

Thank you all for your time and inputs on this. I know and am greatful for the DM being so flexible for this build to happen as well as it is.

I reeeaaaaly like swashbuckler weapon training at level 5, free improved crit at 5th level is tremendous. After that devoted muse, paladin or even warrior poet samurai.

If you plan on going paladin for divine grace, consider a swashbuckler archetype that gives up charmed life like Noble Fencer. They don't stack, so unless you're expecting to have to deal with a fallen paladin, you might as well replace it.

Java Man wrote:
I reeeaaaaly like swashbuckler weapon training at level 5, free improved crit at 5th level is tremendous. After that devoted muse, paladin or even warrior poet samurai.

I somehow missed or forgot that I don't get the crit range bonus until 5th. Yeah, So I'll probably do 5 levels Swashbuckler, then 2 Paladin, then into Devoted Muse. I'll check out the Warrior Poet Samurai though!

I think the Dancer's Grace won't stack with the Devoted Muse's AC bonus, Flourishes are nice though, Though some don't work as well with a Swashbuckler type build, like Vital strike, as I'm more leaning towards full attacks when possible to crit fish for Panache. I already get Weapon finesse from Swashbuckler and Bladed brush... Graceful strike is nice though, though I get the same but better effect from Precise strike deed. And Battle dance could be fun, but I don't think would work in this build at least so far. So I could see you stacking Warrior poet with Paladin or fighter maybe, but not as much with Swashbuckler/Devoted Muse. Thank you for the suggestion though!

I grok do u wrote:
If you plan on going paladin for divine grace, consider a swashbuckler archetype that gives up charmed life like Noble Fencer. They don't stack, so unless you're expecting to have to deal with a fallen paladin, you might as well replace it.

That's a fair point that I didn't think about. I'll look into archetypes, though it seems there's only 3 That modify or replace it...

Azatariel: Swaps some fun abilities, but in the end doesn't help with the Divine grace issue...
Guiding Blade: Replaces the feats and MOST of my deeds for teamwork feats, which hurts too much, but the charmed life replacement is pretty great....
Rondelero Swashbuckler: Is tied to a Falcata and Buckler type build...
Which leaves...
Noble Fencer: Replaces dodge(+cha AC vs 1 attack) for A social skill "Derring-Do", Superior Feint for 1/activation Explode on 5's for the d6's added. And Immunity to disarm, steal, and sunder vs their weapon for Being immune to intimidate. Lastly, Charmed life for Scaling 1-5 Untyped Will bonus vs mind-affecting.

Of those, I think Noble Fencer is the only real choice, and a thematic choice too for a Swashbuckler/Paladin of Shelyn to have social bonuses.

Another pro for the paladin multiclass: bless weapon + improved crit = fun fun fun.

Java Man wrote:
Another pro for the paladin multiclass: bless weapon + improved crit = fun fun fun.

Only issue with that is I'd need 4 levels in Paladin, or with 1 min/lv duration, a wand....

Kiba Kurokage wrote:

I think the Dancer's Grace won't stack with the Devoted Muse's AC bonus

Dancer's Grace is untyped bonus to AC (like monk bonus) and Devoted Muse's Artful Defense is a dodge bonus, so they DO stack even though they are both tied to CHA modifier. However, Dancer's Grace is limited by level (unlike monk bonus), so depends on how deep a dip you are willing to go as to the benefit you get.

When stacking CHA bonuses to AC, try to get as many types bonuses:dodge from Artful Defense, deflection from smite evil, untyped from Dancer's Grace or Scaled Fist Monk, etc.
Multiple instances of CHA dodge bonuses is a little more of a gray area of not duplicating ability scores versus dodge bonuses always stack.

I like Paladin (Sheyln) 2, Swashbuckler - Noble Fencer.
Paladin - Holy Tactician isn't bad.
You can throw in Wiz 1 if you need some spells/skills/bigger spell list. Mage Armor, Shield, etc are +8 AC for two first level spells... (then Obscuring mist, Vanish, Exp Retreat, Prot Evil...) you don't even need Paladin.

Spell lists are for item activation (so you don't need UMD) and wands are the go to item.
A regular War Horse will do and change your move to 50ft (don't do mounted combat).
I'd pick up a comp longbow (for horseback use) for a ranged attack. cold iron arrow with blanches.

What about Magus Kensai?
I've never thought about a build like this, but with the Canny Defense and free weapon focus at 1st level, plus the shield spell, you could take this at 1st level then 5 levels of swashbuckler then back to Kensai.
Unless you're specifically looking for other abilities....

Chuck Mount wrote:

What about Magus Kensai?

I've never thought about a build like this, but with the Canny Defense and free weapon focus at 1st level, plus the shield spell, you could take this at 1st level then 5 levels of swashbuckler then back to Kensai.
Unless you're specifically looking for other abilities....

I was originally leaning this way because I wanted to try swashbuckler, and didn't want to do the typical scimitar/Slashing grace build. So I was originally looking at how to make that work best, was considering the Dueling Sword and/or dueling dagger and then the glaive came up with Bladed brush(Shelyn-specific feat). Tagging in Devoted muse was because it is the Shelyn-specific Prestige class, and it pairs pretty directly with swashbuckler. I saw some other people reccomending it in "Glaivebuckler" builds, and heard about the Paladin dip for Cha to Saves and Lay on hands and stuff. Also ties into it being a Shelyn build too.

I'll take a look at the Magus though, and see what that gives and stacks with. It should be interesting I hope!

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