Spell Repertoire Clarification - Oracles

Rules Discussion

Hello, the quick question is: if my Oracle is level 11, how many level 1 spells should be in my repertoire?

Before Player Core 2 the Oracle class received 2 spell slots at level 1, and a 3rd spell slot at level 2. Likewise 2 spells were added to their repertoire at level 1, and then 1 more at level 2.

Player Core 2 increased the spell slots per level from 2/3 to 3/4 however the spell repertoire text was not updated, it still says you gain 2 spells in your repertoire at level 1, and a 3rd spell at level 2. This is even listed in the Player Core 2 Rules and Clarifications on this site 'The oracle’s Spells Per Day table is correct about their number of spells and spell slots. The text explaining their spellcasting was not updated to match.'

I'm not understanding well enough if this is clarifying that it's correct, or incorrect when they didn't update the text.

Beyond that, the Oracle mysteries have Granted Spells, and the new class feature Divine Access at level 11 'Choose one deity who grants one of your mystery’s granted domains. Add up to three cleric spells of your choice granted by that deity to your spell list, and to your spell repertoire as soon as you can cast spells of the appropriate rank.'

So, at level 11, should my 1st Spell Level repertoire look like the following:
1 from Mystery Granted Spells
1 from Divine Access
3, or 4 from base class spell repertoire?

For a total of 5 or 6 spells in my spontaneous repertoire at level 1?

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The text is wrong, the table is correct. So you get 4 spells per rank plus any from your mystery or divine access.

That's how PFS handles it anyway, and it's the most official source of information we have on the matter right now.

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astros440 wrote:

So, at level 11, should my 1st Spell Level repertoire look like the following:

1 from Mystery Granted Spells
1 from Divine Access
3, or 4 from base class spell repertoire?

For a total of 5 or 6 spells in my spontaneous repertoire at level 1?

Our current best understanding is that it's 4 from base class, because the PFS clarification mentions "spells and spell slots". Spells in that must refer to the repertoire to make sense, as there's nothing else it could be referring to. That also lines up with other classes.

There isn't really anything else to go on until errata fixes it.

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