Creating a Cleric in Hiding


Hi friends! I'm looking for advice on 1e build options to fit the narrative of a cleric hiding in Rahadoum. They're part of a party visiting Azir, sent for their knowledge and aptitude with religion but also their ability to hide their association better than others of the clergy. I'm not too attached to a specific deity but I'd like them to be good- or neutral-aligned. My current ideas revolve around an elven cleric of Yuelral that maybe multiclasses a bit as a wizard and can disguise a lot of their divine magic as arcane, but I'm wondering if there are any more appropriate/specific options I'm not aware of. Happy to rework or discard this idea entirely if something better pops up!

Any pointers would be very much appreciated, thank you!

The Hidden Priest archetype of cleric is literally designed for this concept.

Omg this does look perfect, thank you! I completely missed this.

Reading over it, it doesn't seem to cover Channel Energy (understandably, and that could leave some interesting tensions around whether to risk channeling in dire situations). But just in case, are there any options for, like, disguising a channel as arcane too? I've not seen a feat covering it but maybe I'm missing it.

with archetypes it is always a matter of "is it worth it"
Cleric archetype Hidden Priest trades away a 1st and 8th domain power. False Arcanist is definitely what you want. Unseen devotion not so much as this could be replaced by feats or magic items.
If you were to choose the lesser beneficial domain then it works for you.
The domain power replacement is going to conflict with most cleric archetypes and the base class so this archetype is an exclusive one. That means you'd have to go Oracle or Wizard as an escape to avoid the 8th level power.

To compare Cunning Caster feat has a lot of penalties for various common spellcasting components.
Conceal Spell feat is easier but the skill challenge is worse as it's essentially Prcp DC(15 +Bluff ranks +CHA -SplLvl).

So the option is Cleric class or cleric arch Varisian Pilgrim with Conceal Spell, which is a better choice than Sorcerer arch Razmiran Priest or the PrC.
I'd like to point out that a samsaran wizard can pick up 5 witch spells via mythic past lives which would cover cure light wounds, cure moderate wounds, and some others. Not a cleric but some cleric spells cast as arcane. You can always dip into VarPlgrm/Clr 1 to gain the spell list & weapon such as shown with Thalevoh & Rouillé

Oh this is great info, thank you! Very much appreciate you pointing me to the feats - the cleric in question will only be around 5th-6th level, so I don't have to worry about the 8th level feature too much, but it's good to consider in case I use them again in the future. Conceal Spell looks like potentially a good bet if I can just get them really good at that skill, but I guess Bluff/cha in general already aren't super great for clerics (especially since I won't be too focused on channel energy).

I'm thinking their domains would be Arcane and Knowledge, and would replace the Knowledge ability if I went Hidden Priest. Conceal spell feels like it'd be really good for things like day-to-day NPCs but less so for anything with a decent Perception - totally not a dealbreaker but I think that + it taking up 2 feats makes it a worse trade than for the ability to grab some info on a beastie as a melee touch attack. The Samsaran route and Varisian Pilgrim route are also neat, I'm pretty set on my elf from Kyonin/Absalom but I might try these out with other characters! ^^ Thank you for your help!

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