A New Ascension: Wrath of the Righteous 2e Conversion Guide

Wrath of the Righteous

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Great work thus far KingTreyIII, also seems like Spore War is continuing to bring in Remaster Demons for you to work with:

Spore War spoiler:
It introduces a Remastered Invidiak and the Miastrilek (Spider Demon), which seems like a thematic replacement for Hezrou, being the same level and being about poison/disease.

While I appreciate the heads-up: guys...that information means next to nothing when I don't have the statblocks in front of me xD

Anyway, I decided to churn out a statblock for the Blackfire Adept, which ended up being a mistake because I then passed out for 2 hours afterward.

Updated the document through to the end of Book 3's minuscule Part 1.

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Updated the document through to the end of area H

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Updated the document to area J and a bit of area K.

Updated Eustoyriax to have abilities that reflect the invidiak's Remastering.

Also gave Aravashnial What Doors We Open starting at level 14.

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Updated the document through to the end of Part 2.

Made a statblock for Jaruunicka and added the bell of mercy to Appendix 2.

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Really productive day on my part. Managed to sit down and churn out the conversion through to the end of Book 3.

Updated the document through to A1. I also modified all reference to "Nahyndrian potion" into "Nahyndrian elixir," as I now realize that the substance IS alchemical in nature, which would indeed make it an elixir.

Also added “The PCs’ Strikes and damaging spells gain the holy trait” to the buff’s during the final combat of Book 1.

Liberty's Edge

I just found this yesterday and I have to say you've done some awesome work bringing this up to remaster rules. Thank you so much for all your hard work. Keep it up!!

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