Counteract Query

Rules Discussion

I am a little confused on the Counteract action. Please let me know if this is right or wrong?

Example 1) Caster 1 casts magic missile at caster 2. Caster 2 has the Counterspell feat but does NOT have magic missile prepared. They can use dispel magic to counterspell as a reaction? The DC is Caster 1's Spell DC, and the counteract roll is caster 2's spell attack roll?

Example 2) A Caster is fighting a big mean barbarian with a glowy magic sword. They can use dispel magic with a counteract check to suppress the swords magic for 10 minutes. The sword is level 12. The counteract rank is 6, the table lists a success 7 (13 to 14) - what does that mean? LOL

Counteract Critical
Rank Failure Success Success
0 — 1 (1 to 2) 3 (5 to 6)
1 0 (–1 to 0) 2 (3 to 4) 4 (7 to 8)
2 1 (1 to 2) 3 (5 to 6) 5 (9 to 10)
3 2 (3 to 4) 4 (7 to 8) 6 (11 to 12)
4 3 (5 to 6) 5 (9 to 10) 7 (13 to 14)
5 4 (7 to 8) 6 (11 to 12) 8 (15 to 16)
6 5 (9 to 10) 7 (13 to 14) 9 (17 to 18)
7 6 (11 to 12) 8 (15 to 16) 10 (19 to 20)
8 7 (13 to 14) 9 (17 to 18) 11 (21 to 22)
9 8 (15 to 16) 10 (19 to 20) 12 (23 to 24)
10 9 (17 to 18) 11 (21 to 22) 13 (25 to 26)

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