Azothath's Homebrew: Wizard archetype Vedelys (Azlanti caster)

Homebrew and House Rules

[larger]Vedelys (Azlanti Caster) wizard archetype[/larger]

Years spent in old libraries and reading musty histories, librettos, and ancient fables do not go to waste as sometimes a budding apprentice discovers the marvels of ancient spellcasting allegorized in the tomes & tales. In the cliques of acadamies a vedelys has been coined as a wizlanti.

Race: Human or gillman (not via Adopted trait or story feat, not half-human) with Int and Wis of 12 or better.

Starting Wealth: 5×Age +2d4 gp (average 120 gp), Adventuring or Travel outfit, Spellbook(with some scribed spells), filled spell component pouch (material components are of less than 1gp value).
This modifies the starting wealth of wizard.

Class Skills: Craft(all)(Int), Fly(Dex), Knowledge(all)(Int), Linguistics(Int), Profession(all)(Wis), Sense Motive(Wis), Spellcraft(Int), Use Magic Device(Cha).
This modifies the class skills of wizard.

Skill Points at each level: Int modifier(minimum 1) +1 in a Craft, +2 in Knowledge, +1 in a Profession.
This replaces the skill points of wizard.

Languages: common, regional language, azlanti. He may learn any human language, cyclops, draconic, dwarven, elven, gnome, halfling, ratfolk, or sylvan.
This modifies the languages of wizard.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: club, dagger(& kunai), handwraps, quarterstaff(& lantern staff), lgt & hvy crossbow, choose 2 from [aklys, bayonet, blowgun, bola, boomerang, brass knuckles, cestus, chakram(& crystal chakram), dan bong, dart, deer horn knife, dueling dagger, dueling sword, fighting fan, flask thrower, hand crossbow, iron brush, kama, katana, kerambit, knobkerrie, kukri, longbow(& composite), longsword, lgt & hvy mace, morningstar, nunchaku, lgt & hvy pellet bow & stonebow, punching dagger, rapier, lgt & hvy repeating crossbow, rope gauntlet, sai, sap, shortbow(& composite), shortsword(& gladius), shuriken, sibat, sickle, sling(& sling glove), spring blade, starknife, sword cane, tekko-kagi, tonfa, wakizashi, whip, wooden stake/piton, wushu dart]. Armor and shields may interfere with movement and gestures(somatic components).
This replaces the weapon proficiency of wizard.

Spells: see wizard.

Arcane Bond: must choose a bonded object from [ioun stone, proficient weapon, amulet, ring]. An ioun stone circles the head, may be in a wayfinder, or may be implanted. Bonded objects must be worn or touched to be effective.
Ioun stone: Twice per day a bonded object ioun stone may be used to cast a prepared spell of the day of at least one spell level below the maximum spell level the user can prepare. The spell cast using the stone can be prepared and cast or still prepared. A caster with the bonded object ioun stone adds hermean potential:E1 with no focus as a personal spell of target you to his spell list. He may use an ioun stone (such as a grey ioun stone) in place of an expendable material component of its price (50gp minimum) or less which destroys the stone.
Weapon: Similarly twice per day a bonded object weapon may be used to cast a prepared spell of the day of at least one spell level below the maximum spell level the user can prepare of the abjuration(A) or evocation(K) school, thus a caster with a bonded object weapon should not choose A or K as opposed schools as it would require two daily uses to cast the spell using the weapon. A bonded object weapon adds lead blades:T2 to the caster’s spell list and modifies bestow weapon proficiency:E2 to dur:2*CL min.
Amulet or Ring: Lastly once per day a bonded object amulet or ring may be used to cast a prepared spell of the day of at least one spell level below the maximum spell level the user can prepare and (not at the same time) twice per day the caster may add extend spell metamagic to any prepared spell at the time of casting as a swift action without raising the spell’s required spell slot. A caster with a bonded object amulet or ring adds shield other:A2 to his spell list.
This modifies the arcane bond feature of wizard. Bonded objects can be crafted into personal magic items as usual (ignoring the item's construction materials as iron/steel is assumed).

Arcane School: must specialize in a classic school other than divination, universalist, or focused arcane school and have 2 opposed schools, an elemental or void school with opposed element school. A caster of Lawful alignment may choose a sin magic school (see Thassalonian Specialist) with 2 prohibited schools and gains a daily prepared cantrip of his school along with +2 CL for duration (for spells that have a duration) or damage (but cannot exceed normal spell cap limitations) with prepared and cast spells of his school (rather than two duplicate spells).
Void school adds inflict (wounds) spells, litany of madness, and word of chaos at the cleric/oracle spell level, deja vu, lesser confusion, confusion, sabotage construct, and insanity to its school.
This replaces the arcane school of wizard.

Scribe Scroll: At second level gains one choice from [Cypher Script, Spell Focus, Scribe Scroll, Technologist, Weapon Finesse, or Weapon Focus] feat.
This replaces Scribe Scroll.

Class feats: At 6th, 12th, and 18th level he gains a wizard bonus feat and his choice of +1 inherent Fort or Rflx save.
This replaces the bonus feats at 5, 10, 15, 20th levels.

Spellbook: a wizard starts with a spellbook containing all his non-opposed zeroth level spells and 3 + Int modifier in non-opposed/non-prohibited first level spells. He may use his starting gold to bolster his spellbook at the scribing cost. He learns and scribes 2 spells of his maximum castable spell level (or less) with each level gained after First.
This modifies the spellbook of wizard.

by Azothath

Just some minor notes:

Class skills "replaces", not "modifies".

Skill Ranks per Level (not points). And should be just: 0 + Int modifier. The extra text of minimum 1 isn't needed with the Int 12+ requisite.

Languages, this modifies "the bonus languages available to the character because of his race.", not the languages of the wizard (which don't have "languages"), and should also replace (not modify) the "Bonus Languages" of the wizard.

I think the weapons listing is too much, at that point you might as well just let them have any 2 non-slashing melee weapon proficiencies of choice, as that seems to be the goal anyhows. Ie:

Bonus Weapon Proficiencies: The Vedelys may select any 2 non-slashing weapons of choice to be proficient in, in addition to those granted by the class. This modifies the weapon proficiencies of the class.

Arcane Bond: I've read it like 4x now, and I still have no idea what it does... :/ Admittedly, I don't know anything about Thesselonian, or any idea what "hermean potential:E1" means... But it should be clear if they get all 3 Arcane Bonds, have to choose one, etc... kinda seems like they get 3?

Arcane School: The wording sounds like the 2 opposed schools have to be an elemental or void school (one with an opposed element)? Or is this specializing in a classic school AND specializing in an elemental or void school? All of the wording needs some cleanup here (at least for me to understand it...).

Should rename Scribe Scroll since that's not what it does... maybe just call it Bonus Feat

Class Feats is a bit strange, it's basically replacing 4 feats with 6...

thanks for reading and giving me your input.
For RAW I use technical style where accuracy and precision are needed which can seem overly detailed or verbose.
I appreciate the effort to simplify.

I did edit my copy to pedantic on the section names to avoid confusion, lol.

'must choose a {description} from [a, b, c, d].' means choose one of [bounded list].

when something is added to a spell list, it is a spell.

I'm glad I didn't see some expected complaints.

IMO: Overall it seems over powered and not very clearly written.

It also has some weird noted things like "Skill Points at each level: Int modifier(minimum 1) +1 in a Craft, +2 in Knowledge, +1 in a Profession."

What exactly does this mean? Does he get INT, and +1 in any craft, and +2 in any knowledge, and +1 in any profession? If so, that really should be written like this:

Skill Ranks at each level: INT+4, However he must spend 1 Rank in a craft skill, 2 Ranks in a knowledge skill, and 1 Rank in a profession skill every level.

If it's not that, then it needs explained further. It's also a bit over powered as a wizard normally gets INT+2.

As mentioned by Sphynx, too many weapons, and the arcane bond is way too confusing.

I'm not entirely sure what the class is supposed to do.

And why only Human or Gillman?

Wealth is 5x age +2d4, with an average of 120, so average starting age is 23... seems a bit high, but ok. What if I decide to make a 60 yr old to get the bonus INT, do I get the 300GP?

TxSam88 wrote:

IMO: Overall it seems over powered and not very clearly written.



the race reflects azlanti canon and theme.

you correctly interpreted the skill entry.

A PC could start at 60 yrs old with GM approval with higher gold. That reflects practical "in game" reality for an adept/wizard apprentice.

clearly I think it is about the same (a little less powerful) than a specialist wizard.

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