Unarmored, but Untouchable? Looking for help designing a Cha-based high-AC character


I'm using a piece of art I found as inspiration for a character for a "Living World" Discord server, with the art in question giving off very strong vibes of a tiefling dancer (hesitant to post the image itself here since I'm not sure if it would be considered "inappropriate", sadly).
With that vibe, I decided I wanted to make her someone who goes unarmored and nimbly ducks and weaves her way across the battlefield.

So, basically, I'm looking to make her as un-freaking-touchable as humanly possible.

My first thought was to go with Water Dancer due to it seeming to apply Charisma to AC twice (dodge bonus up to your level from the archetype, then the base unarmored AC since it isn't removed by Water Dancer and the archetype explicitly says "He uses his Charisma score instead of his Wisdom score to determine the size of his ki pool and the DC and effects of monk class features."), as well as going into Crane Style for a defensive fighting build, but I'm wondering if there are any possibilities that I'm missing.
Maximizing AC is the primary goal, but if at all possible I'd like to be able to make her a solid damage-dealer as well.

Any advice or pointers would be greatly appreciated!

Some caveats:
Point buy is 25
Race is non-negotiable, the character will be a tiefling no matter what.
The following server house rules/homebrew are in effect:

  • * Multiclass archetypes are allowed
  • * Elephant in the Room feat taxes are in play (I confirmed with one of the GMs that Combat Expertise also covers having 13 Int for feat prerequisites)
  • * Unchained Classes may take archetypes from their chained counterparts as long as they have the replaced or equivalent features.
  • * We're allowed to move ability score modifiers around, as long as they stay in the same category (example: a +2 to Dex can be moved to Str or Con, but not Int/Wis/Cha)
  • * Any character can take Human/Elf/Half-Elf Favored Class Bonuses regardless of their race
  • * I might be able to get the character to count as a halfling for the purposes of feat prerequisites without resorting to taking Pass For Human+Racial Heritage, but I'm waiting for confirmation from a GM about it.

I had a sorcerer (tattooed, for tattoo familiar and varisian tattoo) 1\ monk (scaled fist, unchained) 1\ swashbuckler (dervish) X going for crane style (the buckler doesn't take a hand so can be used in crane and with the feat that allow monks to use one without loosing monk ac. taken for the swashbuckler bonus feat as it count as fighter levels) was a halfling (small +1 ac) with the halfling feat that give +2 to dodge while fighting defensively (but as a tiefling you can pick armor of the pit instead) and the trait that add 1 more dodge for doing so my total ac was fearsome for my level (along with mage armor and monk cha ac) and you only lose 2 damage from delaying the 3rd level damage deed.
Don't forget to put at least 3 ranks in acrobatics to increase the dodge bonus for fighting defensively.

used a waveblade to gain monk's flurry with crit rate of 18-20 and with the class ability got to use dex for damage on it for free. the 7th level dance deed let you use your high number of attacks (because of flurry and bab) while moving as long as it's against different targets. (get a Blue scarf asap to add 5 ft reach to realy enjoy this. this FAQ say you can hold it in the same hand as a buckler and it still count as a free hand so crane style away!)

the sorcerer level added utility spells and some healing (and mostly mage armor) the monk the extra attack, high ac and feats (unarmed strike etc) for the crane style while the swashbuckler was the main road.
when you hit level 13 (11 swashbuckler) you can get signature dead for the level 11 'Dance of Dawn' deed to get a chance to blind anyone you hit in melee for no cost as long as you have one panache.

think of it as dipping 2 levels out of swashbuckler to exchange a bit of damage and delay in abilities for extra attacks and a ton of ac and goodies!

I was also looking into Warrior Poet (Samurai) since they also get a dodge bonus from their Charisma, on top of eventually getting half their level to damage with certain finesse weapons.

the monk was for the ac AND flurry, you want to increase your dps somewhat after all the nerfing you get from using a one handed weapon and delaying your precise damage, and it give 2 feats you need for crane style chain for free.

If this will be a high-level game, then there is the worshipping of Arshea and celestial obedience to get CHA mod as an armor bonus.

Ultimately decided to simplify things and go with 1 level of Unchained Scaled Fist and the rest in Dervish Dancer Bard.

The build:
Trait - Aldori Caution (this and 3 ranks in Acrobatics to get an extra +2 dodge while fighting defensively)
1) U. Monk - Imp. Unarmed Strike, Dodge (Monk bonus), Crane Style
2) Bard
3) Bard - Weapon Focus (waveblade)
4) Bard
5) Bard - Extra Performance (planning to go into Master Performer later)
6) Bard
7) Bard - Crane Wing
8) Bard
9) Bard - Osyluth Guile
10) Bard
11) Bard - Crane Riposte (current level)
12) Bard
13) Bard
14) Bard
15) Bard
16) Bard
17) Bard
18) Bard
19) Bard

Between these, spells, and equipment, her AC is sitting in the mid 30s by default, and I can pump it up to the mid 50s with adequate time to buff.

I'm at a loss for what feats to take next, though. Master/Grand Master Performer seem ideal, but I don't know what to shoot for besides those.

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