Pathfinder's Society Standing

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

Envoy's Alliance

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

What are some regions/countries/ lands in Golarion where a Pathfinder Society Lodge could Legally exist, but would illicit community mistrust. Idea for a campaign I had where my players, who join the PFS in universe are sent to a far flung long abandoned Lodge to staff it and try to establish a positive PFS presence in the region. And I would offer them various locales to set up
the Belkzan Hold
Maybe a few places in Tian Xia would work?

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

Wouldn't work for the "abandoned lodge" part, but the lodge in Razmiran (ran by a dedicated follower of Razmir) is in a very weird position where the lodge is legal but is on INCREDIBLY thin ice and its simple existence is seen as extreme heresy to many people. One extreme example of this is how you're actually allowed to worship non-Razmir deities in the lodge (All be it, the chapel is specifically designed so the mask of Razmir is always looming over you)... but this only lasts to the gates of the place so you better go and conceal any holy symbols on your way in and out.

The River Kingdoms might work. The Pathfinder Society has a large lodge conducting secretive business in Solanas, a town run by the Solanas Concern (the local organised criminals), and you could have your players be sent in to clean house and aid the local sherrif while the work toward some grander goal. Perhaps the previous lodge went rogue, collaborating with the Solanas Concern, and are part of the cleaning house, redeeming the lodge in the eyes of local people? The River Kingdoms are a mess of a region, a failed state that fell apart long ago, run by unofficial governments that are little more than gangs, desperately in need of some adventurers willing to do violence in the name of righting wrongs and bringing stability, but also making some quick money and finding ancient secrets. And if that's not enough, the region is bordered by Numeria to the north, Razmiran to the west, and Galt to the south - techno-barbarians, cultists and French Revolutionaries respectively.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

There aren't a huge number of lodges in Tian Xia. There's a big one in Goka (Lantern Lodge), an independent city on the west coast of Tian Xia which I think acts as a central control point for any other lodges in Tian Xia which the Pathfinder Society book lists as: Haseong (Hwanggot), Kayajima (Minkai), Zom Kullan (Nagajor), Ramparassad (Dtang Ma).

Other than that there is a new lodge on an island off the coast of Minkai (The Three Gates lodge).

There is also at least two lodges on a ship. A lodge actually in Galt and there are some others in the Society source book.

The one in Galt is a major one and critical to the success of the Pathfinders. It also has a lot of scope for subterfuge and interaction with the locals. So players will need to have a good head on their shoulders (Sorry couldn't resist).

Scarab Sages

Right next to the Aspis Consortium's HQ in Ostenso, Cheliax?

Liberty's Edge

Helvellyn wrote:

There aren't a huge number of lodges in Tian Xia. There's a big one in Goka (Lantern Lodge), an independent city on the west coast of Tian Xia which I think acts as a central control point for any other lodges in Tian Xia which the Pathfinder Society book lists as: Haseong (Hwanggot), Kayajima (Minkai), Zom Kullan (Nagajor), Ramparassad (Dtang Ma).

Other than that there is a new lodge on an island off the coast of Minkai (The Three Gates lodge).

There is also at least two lodges on a ship. A lodge actually in Galt and there are some others in the Society source book.

The one in Galt is a major one and critical to the success of the Pathfinders. It also has a lot of scope for subterfuge and interaction with the locals. So players will need to have a good head on their shoulders (Sorry couldn't resist).

"Don't lose your head."

Radiant Oath

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

The Valash Raj would be a good place for the Pathfinders to be mistrusted, both because the rulers consider recovered Valash technology theirs by right of inheritance and because it's one of the biggest if not THE biggest center of activity for the secret society known as The Veil, which seeks out powerful ancient things and locks them up in the Vaults scattered around the Valashmai jungle for inscrutable reasons. Since the Pathfinder Society makes robbing graves and plundering tombs (and double-parking) their business they'd probably be only barely tolerated in the Raj even if nobody gets hurt, if at all, with the various rajas demanding first pick of what they find, and the Veil would probably move to sabotage any Pathfinder expeditions into the jungle on principle.

Frankly the Veil seemed almost tailor-made to be antagonists for Pathfinder Society or Lantern Lodge aligned PCs from the word "Go!" Or as deceitful allies using said PCs as dupes or unwitting agents to do the dirty work of recovering dangerous ancient stuff and then betraying them to claim it for safekeeping, whether that's through pretending to be fellow Pathfinders and tricking them or outright murdering them to keep things secret.

Liberty's Edge

OP, I think you might get more answers through posting on the PFS part of the Paizo boards.

I did several PFS scenarios in various places where Pathfinders were barely tolerated, if at all.

TBT, except maybe in Absalom, it almost felt like the norm.

But PCs succeeding at the scenarios' goals usually ended up in better relations with the Powers that be in the area.

Osirion is one such place IIRC.

Envoy's Alliance

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

This isn't so much about where the Pathfinder Society IS, but where might be a good place to send them. one that doesn't involve major moral issues, like Cheliax, but a place where Outsider's are not readily welcomed, but not explicitly forbidden. Thus in my game world they would be helping to effect a change in the world, acting as defacto diplomats.

For instance, what about Oprak? The Hobgoblin nation? Would they allow a group like the PFS to set up a lodge?

Liberty's Edge

We already have Oprak's hobgoblins becoming Pathfinders thanks to PFS scenarios that exactly dealt with this matter of PCs helping establish good relations between the Society and the nation.

I think Hermea could be fertile unexplored ground for the kind of story you describe. Maybe through helping the local authorities deal with the many consequences of Age of Ashes.

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