Azothath's Homebrew: Fighter Archetype Tribunus {somewhat a Tactician fix}

Homebrew and House Rules

Tribunus Militum, or simply the Fight archetype Tribunus

 Some fighters focus on strategies, tactics, and command. These fighters use their training and tactical acumen to overcome challenges that would overwhelm mere brute strength and skill at arms using their learned skills, Intelligence(Int) or Intelligence modifier(INT), and Charisma(Cha) or Charisma modifier(CHA). Only superior specimens of a race are chosen to undergo the intense physical training and education in the advanced arts of war, so it is suggested that PC have at least a score of 13 in Str, Dex, Int, and Cha for a 20 point buy character.

 A tribunus of 9th level earns the title Peritus Tribunus and is gifted with a moderate farm(25 acre or 10 hectare) near a small or large town by the current government worth approximately 1000gp, at 15th level the title Legatus Militium and gifted with a small estate(1/16 acre or 312.5m^2, 1/3rd covered with two story living quarters with a 20*40ft stone lined cellar/basement 25ft below ground with drainage and septic, 1/3rd covered with building/construction including stable, separate kitchen, workshop, and storage, and the final third a yard with a small garden {note – in a large city the lot is reduced to 2/3rds leaving a 20*40ft strip of yard for mount and traffic maneuvers as a private entrance space}) in a small or large city of their choice worth approximately 4000gp.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency
 simple weapons including cestus, tonfa, lgt & hvy crossbows, a choice of martial proficiencies from 4 weapon groups from the fighter class (this excludes racial and exotic weapons) along with martial weapon familiarity(-2 attack non-proficiency penalty rather than usual -4 atk) with all martial weapons, choose 2 exotic weapons from among the chosen weapon groups, lgt & med armor, buckler, lgt & med shields. A tribunus is not proficient with heavy armor or tower shields.
 Firearms require the Gunsmith feat which replaces the fighter’s first level bonus feat and Craft(alchemy) must be chosen as a class skill in Military Training. Multiclassing into Barbarian, Fighter, Cavalier, Omdura, Paladin, Ranger, Vampire Hunter, Hybrid classes, or their archetypes does not expand a Tribunus’s weapon proficiencies unless it is a deities favored weapon or Impvd Unarmed Strike. A gestalt character using Tribunus archetype must choose the Tribunus weapon proficiencies.

Military Training (Ex)
 Each level a tribunus gains 4 + INT skill ranks. Due to training his Class skills are; Bluff(Cha), Crft(alch or {one choice}, armr, wpns), Diplo(Cha), Intim(Cha), Knw(arcn, engr, geog, hist, nobl)(Int), Prcp(Wis), Pfrm(oratory or {one choice}), Prof(cartographer, engr, gambler, librarian, sailor, soldier, trapper), Ride(Dex), Sns Mtv(Wis), Splcrft(Int), Srvl(Wis). Class skill substitutions: a native outsider may replace one Knw class skill with Knw(plns); a Good or Evil aligned PC may replace a Knw class skill with Knw(rlgn) while a morally Neutral PC may replace a Knw class skill with Knw(natr); a Lawful PC may replace a Prof class skill with Prof(barrister) while a Chaotic PC may replace a Prof class skill with a Prof skill of his choice.

Bonus Feats
 A 4th level or greater tribunus may choose a Combat, Skill Focus, or Teamwork feat for his Fighter bonus feat rather than only Combat feats.
 At 6th, 12th, and 18th level he may choose Signature Skill feat using his bonus fighter feat. He must choose an Int or Cha based Skill and qualifies for only the first two stacking levels (5 & 10) and if taken again for the same skill qualifies for the next two levels (15 & 20) from PF Unch Rogue.

Minor Magics (Sp)
 A second level tribunus with an Int or Cha of 13 and one skill rank in Splcrft may expend one bonus fighter feat to gain minor spellcasting. He chooses his primary casting attribute from Int or Cha, chooses 2 arcane schools (and universal school), gains a spellbook with four zeroth(cantrip) level spells. His spell list is composed of chosen school spells from the wizard's spell list. He gains four zeroth, and two first level spells along with his ability bonus in spells for appropriate spell level and schools from the wizard spell list. He may prepare and cast two zeroth level slots per day an will like a wizard. He does not gain the ability to prepare first level spells but may use his learned spell list for activating magic items rather than UMD.
 Example: a tribunus at 6th level of Cha 19 with 3 ranks in spellcraft uses his bonus fighter feat to learn Minor Magics for Divn, Conj. He gains Zeroth:4, First:3, Second:1, Third:1, Fourth:1 from the wizard spell list of Divn, Conj, or Univ schools on his spell list. He gains 4 learned and scribed zeroth level spells in his spellbook. He may prepare 2 zeroth level spells per day and cast using standard wizard practices(components, materials, and foci). If his Cha rises to 20 later he may add a First and Fifth level spell from Divn, Conj,or Univ to his spell list.

Tactical Awareness (Ex)
 At third level a tribunus gains +([tribunus level/3], minimum 1) comp bonus on initiative checks.
 This ability replaces fighter’s bravery.

Superior Horsemanship (Ex)
 After riding a purchased pony, horse, horse-like magical beast, or class provided mount for a month(or after earning a third of the experience towards the next level) the rider and mount bond to provide bonuses based on their extended social relationship. At third level with one rank in Ride skill a tribunus gains a +1 competence bonus to Ride and the mount gains +1 dodge bonus while they act as rider and mount. With 8 ranks in Ride the tribunus treats any mount as if it had a military saddle gaining +2 competence vs attempts to dismount him or with a quick dismount. With 13 ranks in Ride the tribunal’s Ride bonus and the mount’s bonus increase to +2. This ability is not applicable to eidolons, conjured or summoned creatures, or magically created creatures or effects that act as mounts.
 The tribunus can have only one socially bonded mount at a time. The mount must have an Int of 2 or more and be a animal or magical beast creature type.
 This ability replaces the lost weapon proficiencies.

Tactical Insight (Ex)
 The tribunus confers with his allies for 10 min before battle (usually at the start of the day), at 2nd level and above this allows him to target them, their mounts, animal companions, familiars, or class granted creatures with Tactical Insight for that day(24 hrs). At 2nd level a tribunus gains the tactician ability as the cavalier class feature at (tribunus level -2). As a standard action he can share one of his teamwork feats with up to ([(tribunus level +1)/3]) allies and allies do not need to meet the prerequisites of this shared feat. The duration of the loaned teamwork feat is (2*tribunus level +Cha modifier{mod}) rnds within a 60 ft radius or half the remaining duration rounded down (minimum 1 rnd) if the ally moves beyond that range within line of sight and verbal command (the duration does not increase if they move closer to the tribunus). If the allies move beyond or out of line of sight and hearing (as a guideline about 10*(6 +Cha score) ft in a field and half the distance in a wooded forest) where mundane observation & communication is not practical/possible, or to another plane for more than a std actn(thus blink spell does not count), the duration ends for that target and the loaned teamwork feat is lost. At 8th level and above the tribunus may choose to share one of two of his teamwork feats with his targetable allies, granting each one of the two choices. At 14th level and above the tribunus may choose to share any one of his teamwork feats with each of his targetable allies.
 He may use this ability ([(tribunus level +1)/3], max 7 at 20th) times per day. Another class (multiclass) with the tactician feature before fifth level stacks with fighter arch tribunus levels for determining the number of targets, duration, and uses per day or vice versa using the highest class level among the classes to determine the tactician/tactical insight ability.
 This ability replaces fighter’s weapon training 1 and armor training 1.

Cooperative Combatant (Ex)
 At tribunus 11th level or above when using the aid another special attack (acting as if his reach was one size larger than his current size to determine his threatened range while wielding a melee weapon (not thrown, ranged, special weapons(such as whip or net)) against a targeted foe in his (increased) threatened range he may affect (1 +INT) allies within his (increased) threatened melee range. For each ally he aids he chooses either a +2 insight bonus on its next attack against the target, or +2 insight bonus to AC against the target’s next attack on that ally, or his ranks in acrobatics, climb, swim for a single skill check. Any bonus expires at the start of the tribunus’ next turn if not used. He can grant different bonuses to each ally. At tribunus 16th level the bonus increases to +3 if his INT or CHA is +3 or above.
 This ability replaces fighter’s armor training 3.

Battle Insight (Ex)
 Normally the tribunus confers with his allies for 10 min before battle or at the start of the day. At 15th tribunus level this allows him to target them with Battle Insight for that day(24 hrs). As a swift action once per round the Tribunus can grant a single ally within line of sight that can both see and hear him his INT as an insight bonus on attack rolls until the Tribunus’s next turn. The tribunus has (3 +INT) uses of this ability per day.
 This ability replaces fighter’s weapon training 3.

by Azothath

*warning* Fighter builds are not my strong suit but I did try to provide options and constraints...

okay 8^)

Honestly, it feels like it's trying to do too many things. Some of it feels a lot more like a prestige class than an archetype, such as granting land. Or maybe it's trading out so many class features that it feels more like its own class.

I really can't say how balanced it is just by reading it, because so much deviates from the norm. This would need playtesting.

Melkiador wrote:

Honestly, it feels like it's trying to do too many things...

I really can't say how balanced it is just by reading it, because so much deviates from the norm. This would need playtesting.

It IS doing MANY things via options. A distinct difference than given abilities as the player must choose.

It won't get you in the DPR Olympics finals but it will let you create an intelligent fighter that's useful or a decent two-weapon fighter that's not a dervish and there much to be said for that. Maybe a stack of dead mounts... ahh well...

The land grant is more Role Play and thematic as it has minimal WBL impact, $1000 at 9th and $4000 at 15th. That's nothing.

Just my experience after Fighter-Tactician... it needs help and some of it is rather sub-par.

So review: Fighter-Tactician, Cavalier, Cavalier-Strategist, Slayer-Vanguard, Fighter-Drill Seargent. Ignore Inquisitor-Monster Tactician (so broke it made me laugh).

My first thought is that spell casting comes too early, too fast for 1e. They should get a spell progression in the same manner as Paladins and Rangers.

The Weapons and Armour proficiencies, in an overly complicated way, don't actually change anything. Any weapon a Fighter would take, he has access too, plus some, with your modifications. I think it would be better/simpler (just an opinion) to just give him access to all Simple and Martial Weapons, in addition to any 2 other weapons of choice. Then it's really just Armour (he loses Heavy Armour and Tower Shield in lieu of 2 'exotic' weapons).

Military Training is also over complicated. Ie: Perform (Oratory or any other) is exactly the same as Perform (Any one) (same with Craft), and Profession should be left alone (leave it to the player to be thematic, don't force it). People who actually pick Profession as a skill, are doing it for thematic reasons afterall. So:

Bluff(Cha), Craft (Any one) (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (Arcane, Engineering, Geography, History, Nobility) (Int), Perception (Wis), Peform (Any one) (Cha), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Sense Motive( Wis), Spellcraft (Int), Survival (Wis).

Superior Horsemanship is fine, but forget the 'replaces' of something that isn't feeling lost at all. It's a freebie. I'd even go so far as to say, limit it to Animals with a Intelligence 2. This prevents the need for all the verbosity, since it shouldn't apply to animal companions either.

Tactical Insight needs a rewrite to be understandable...

I'd agree that the weapons list the way I've written it doesn't effectively change much as weapon focus and follow along feats mean the PC is only going to use 1-2 weapons. BUT my effort here is to make it a constrained way to do the weapon proficiencies rather than the current spammy & conversly super expensive way with no middle ground and horrible scaling. For munchkins it's two exotic weapon feats. Armor goes as tactician.

Skills, again, it's specificity & constraints vs overly simplistic. Clearly I prefer the first. If I went generic you just count the skills and use that and I think 2 skills would drop out.

The horsmanship is nicely thematic but not all that practical at higher levels. It leads into my issue with PF1 and common mounts vs better HDs being tied to creature stat blocks with only 1-2 templates to scale them and no responsible costing (much like poisons).
PC classes get animal companions and PCs ride them. You can't ignore that unless you really do just want disposable mounts.

Tactical Insight and notation. I use formulas as they're shorter and clearer than the middle school word problem verbage. If I were to take a "product" view I'd think about it. For me it is simplistic, terse, clear, precise and accurate. I stick to very simple math functions and parentheticals. Square brackets represent the "round down" or floor function. I might squidge a bit and you'll see powers/exponents once in awile.

In my mind I view this as a military prepatory school & military academy education. It is somewhat its own beastie compared to prep schools and college.

Thanks for taking the effort to read and create a more PF1 published style write up using the common forms.

okay, I've updated my write up to simplify or clarify the text. Added a few needed details. Thanks.

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