[GM Tool] Monster Generator 2 - The Sequel to Free Monster Creation

Homebrew and House Rules

Monster Generator 2 is a long time in the making, and is now ready to release for public beta. It's Designed to create monsters instantaneously that use all the rules from D&D or Pathfinder, or to allow you to custom tailor monsters' abilities and properties and have the program calculate all the numbers for you.

Monster Generator 2 is available to use for free at its own website here.
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Key Features:


- Creates new monster statistics for D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder 1e

- Random Monster Generation
- Manual Monster Creation
- Save and share monsters online
- Includes most monster abilities from pfsrd
- Includes all core feats, subtypes, abilities, and skills
- Saves images for each monster, and offers a way to view the monster online
- AI generated images and descriptions
- Interfaces with Dice Bot, so you can link your monsters to friends in discord from the server

Monster Generator 2 is a redesign of Monster Generator 1 from the ground up, with more features and created to be more modular and modifiable.

Improvements from Monster Generator 1:


- Web page format (no more downloading, works on various devices)

- Monsters can be saved, shared, and viewed online
- Monsters have feat selections that make more sense and follow trees (at random)
- Actual processing for which feats are qualified
- Search function for abilities, feats, etc
- AI generated monster description (chat GPT)
- AI generated monster image (stable diffusion)
- Chatbot integration to view monster stats on discord
- Better list for special abilities, feats, and attacks
- Abilities are more intelligently randomized: some are far more rare than others
- Larger list of abilities and subtypes
- More abilities' bonuses are included in the monster stat blocks automatically
- Can create monsters with fractional challenge ratings (1/8-1/2)

Missing features from Monster Generator 1:


- Custom abilities not supported

- Spell lists not supported
- Dual wielding not fully supported
- Elemental selections for some abilities not fully supported
- Mutually exclusive powers not fully supported

There are plans to update to include the old missing features in the near future.

Monster Generator 1's old thread is here, (and that program is still available on Sourceforge)
Like it explains at the end of that thread I lost the first login account years ago.

If you have any questions/ comments/ suggestions about Monster Generator 2, I'd like to hear them.

Updated to fix some features that weren't working correctly and add a few missing items:

Beta 2.7.1 patch notes
added '+1 Deflection Bonus' ability
added 4 more skill bonus abilities
changed skill bonus notes in the monster stats printout to appear after skills list rather than in the special qualities section
changed mind-affecting immunity from 2 points to 4 points
changed +1 natural armor, bonus feat, +1 attribute point to not print in the monster stat block
fixed a bug where the generator would show an incorrect cost on the 'randomize monster' button for users that were not logged in on page load
fixed a bug where the bonus abilities from body types were not being added
fixed a bug where energy resistances were printed twice in the stat block
fixed a bug where monster natural attack damage was not changing based on size category or the improved natural attack feat

quick impressions after second try - it's interesting.
• I don't agree with the simple scalar for point costs but it's a good way to go for an initial build and you might come back and reexamine the point costs later.
• Tool/button usage isn't explained so some explanatory text would be helpful so the process is better known for initial users, a clickbox can turn the "help" off or you can use pointer hover & timer with floating windows.
• Skills should update to the creature type showing class skills and just let the user assign/move skill points rather than using points/powers as that's for Monster Abilities. A good initial value would be to equally distribute skill points among class skills prioritizing Prcp & Stlth.
• Incorporate typical Bonus Feats. Tiny creatures get Weapon Finesse as a bonus feat. You should incorporate those typical bonus feats for creature type and size (not everything paizo actually does is in the type/subtype description) or discount the cost of typical bonus feats by type.
• Incorporate MIBS(Magic Item Body Slots) as creature "forms" rather than eidolon forms. Mfg Weapon usage, Mfg armor & shield or barding, Magic item activation and usage, spellcasting will flow from this or cause a point discount for certain powers.
• as with any tabbed/pulldown menu driven tool incorporating user defined options is the tricky part. Perhaps open a page with name textbox and then various clickboxes for your data items then a save button. You can derive the point cost from the checked clickboxes.
• at this point in the development cycle I'd truly wonder if this could even be a commercial product. I think it's a good prototype & practice for a PF2/DnD0ne tool.

Azothath wrote:

quick impressions after second try - it's interesting.

• I don't agree with the simple scalar for point costs but it's a good way to go for an initial build and you might come back and reexamine the point costs later.

This would be a big system change, and while I agree that it doesn't perfectly encapsulate monster scaling I'm not going to change it for now

Azothath wrote:
• Tool/button usage isn't explained so some explanatory text would be helpful so the process is better known for initial users, a clickbox can turn the "help" off or you can use pointer hover & timer with floating windows.

I'll add a help popup menu somewhere at the top or by button for important ones

Azothath wrote:
• Skills should update to the creature type showing class skills and just let the user assign/move skill points rather than using points/powers as that's for Monster Abilities. A good initial value would be to equally distribute skill points among class skills prioritizing Prcp & Stlth.

I'll make skill points clearer. They are not using ability points, they are using skill points. Currently it uses a system where you get int + base skill points as a number of skills to select and it simply gives you max skill points per level for those skills.

Azothath wrote:
• Incorporate typical Bonus Feats. Tiny creatures get Weapon Finesse as a bonus feat. You should incorporate those typical bonus feats for creature type and size (not everything paizo actually does is in the type/subtype description) or discount the cost of typical bonus feats by type.

I don't see evidence of all tiny creatures getting weapon finesse as a bonus feat. They take it each time they have it (which not all of them do) with one of their normal feat choices. I looked up several monsters at random that were small, tiny, or diminutive: https://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/constructs/rune-guardian / https://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/animals/hedgehog/ https://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/oozes/ooze-amber/ https://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/fey/pixie/ https://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/animals/felines/cat/

Azothath wrote:
• Incorporate MIBS(Magic Item Body Slots) as creature "forms" rather than eidolon forms. Mfg Weapon usage, Mfg armor & shield or barding, Magic item activation and usage, spellcasting will flow from this or cause a point discount for certain powers.

I really don't understand this comment, but magic items with a robust equipment system are not current planned

Azothath wrote:
• as with any tabbed/pulldown menu driven tool incorporating user defined options is the tricky part. Perhaps open a page with name textbox and then various clickboxes for your data items then a save button. You can derive the point cost from the checked clickboxes.

The idea I have for custom abilities is probably going to be something like a JSON file you can upload at first. In the original monster generator it was just a text file you could modify. I'm going to just let the user decide how many points their abilities are rather than trying to make a formula for it from a menu. Actually systemically enforced balance isn't a huge concern, there's already checkboxes to just ignore the limits on power points and attribute points. Eventually I might make a menu to make the process of making a custom ability easier.

Azothath wrote:
• at this point in the development cycle I'd truly wonder if this could even be a commercial product. I think it's a good prototype & practice for a PF2/DnD0ne tool.


What he meant was, can a merilith use more than 2 rings?

A lot of work going into it lately, highlights are things like a help screen on the Generator to explain the process now, and the new ability to choose the details of many abilities you take. And a lot of bug/ features fixes.

Beta 2.7.2 change notes

-added 1d6 negative energy on attack power
-changed elemental damage on hit to 'on attack' to follow naming convention
-fixed a bug where charisma was not adding hit points for undead monsters
-fixed a bug where the 1d6 sneak attack ability was not displaying (or stacking) in the damage printout
-fixed a bug where additional damage and effects on attacks were not printing with correct formatting

Beta 2.7.3 change notes

-added a popup help window to the generator to explain the process of making, saving, and loading monsters
-fixed a bug where the 'Monster Generator 2' title and Monstrous Compendium book image was not scaling properly with some phone screen widths
-changed the top bar hamburger menu displayed at narrow screen widths to have a much greater amount of contrast
-added a panel to illustrate which options are for loading and randomizing the monster

Beta 2.7.4 change notes

-fixed a bug where the monster would always randomly get challenge rating 1 on page load
-fixed a bug where death throes (acid) was listed as a defense instead of attack
-fixed a bug where 'void form' was not awarding the monster bonus deflection to AC
-fixed a bug where the feat improved initiative was not awarding the monster +4 to intiative
-fixed a bug where clicking 'generate image' would also generate an ai description, and vice versa
-fixed a bug where clicking 'generate image' or 'generate description' would also randomly generate environment and rganization
-fixed a bug where clicking 'randomize ecology' would make the monster show as having 0/0 attribute points and ability points
-fixed a bug where a random monster would spend the wrong number of skill points if it randomly gained intelligence during generation
-fixed a bug where a random monster or rolling for random feats would remove its bonus feats from types and subtypes

Beta 2.8.1 change notes

-added 'choice' dialog to abilites: you can now choose information like element for attacks, poison attribute damaged, and which attack gets 'on attack' ability triggers.
-added the ability for more than the primary attack to have 'on attack' triggers
-added a +4 and +8 to selected skill ability that can be taken multiple times
-added confusing gaze, breath weapon (poison, fast) and breath weapon (poison, slow) abilities
-fixed a bug where 'Extension of All' was not granting its bonus to all knowledge skills
-fixed a bug where racial skill modifiers were not added to skills
-fixed a bug where rake was showing the monster's primary attack instead of 2 claws
-fixed a bug where verdant burst was showing as a language quality rather than a special attack
-fixed a bug where corrosive blood was not showing the amount of damage it would deal
-fixed a bug where grapple was not appearing on the attack as a bonus damage, and also not showing its bonus to grapple on the monster's cmb
-fixed a bug where deadly critical was being printed as extra attack damage
-changed ranged attacks to say '(ranged)' in the selection window
-changed attack damage to print with parenthesis around it like in regular pathfinder 1e stat formatting
-changed death throes abilities to be more generic to allow selection of different elements or attributes
-changed frost nova to elemental nova, and the element can be selected now
-changed disease on attack(str) and disease on attack(con) to selectable attributes, and to differ based on requiring 2 saves or 1 save
-changed poisons on attack to differ based on whether they were slow/ fast and how many saves they take to cure
-changed force wave to energy radiation and changed sonic wave to energy wave (their element is now selectable)

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