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That sounds like fun. Do any of the others that applied want to join? Would you be playing with Rosa? (and her army)

Cirdan had been floating his mug back across the room when Rosa offered. He smiles and accepts, but brings his own to the table as well. "Naughty? At my age naughty hardly applies. I do have a little fun now and then.... Those bandits in the Ardeep Forest haven't complained about being turned in to squirrels have they? Last time I checked they were still alive!"

An elderly man with wrinkled brown skin, glittering blue eyes and a series of ioun stones implanted into his forehead walks unsteadily into the room. He peers around the busy inn and spies the group of "champions". Tottering over he slumps into a seat and props his walking stick against his leg. Why hello everyone, I do hope I am not late. I am afraid that I have become a little forgetful in my old age and nearly missed this little get together. Oh my, I do apologise, I have even forgotten to introduce myself. I am Korvus Kem, formerly of, well, lots of places really. I dont suppose this place serves a decent claret?


" I tend to not fight bandits...wait..I tend to not go in solo to..." She paused and sighed,

"Guess I can't say much." She giggles as she herself had done alot of daring and reckless things herself.

'I can't say much I have silenced many myself. Hell I even killed that Dragon, the Red one, Mysfarrilanox in the north. Stupid Zhents thought they could rely on the allegiance or support of the great dragon and I slew it by myself like an idiot."

I am going to wait on RIZZENMAGNUS a wee while longer, if he has not responded by the weekend then I will move ahead, and start a closed thread for us. I will brake my own rule of not playing in games I'm DMing, As this is more a test of high level PCs.
Saint Isma of the Sand NPC will be the one who hired us, and the one with the guard/army trying to protect the City.

But for now we can get started, I dont thing RIZZENMAGNUS will be upset at us testing our PCs.

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