Starfinder in Pathfinder 2e?

General Discussion

Hi all,
I am migrating my game from 5e/pf1e to pf2e and I am new to pf2e as well.

Since I use my own setting, which is a Dying Earth-type setting (magic is technology, and laser pistols are not unheard of, just not called that). Can I use Starfinder as a source for future tech gear in pf2e or its not really computable?

In 5e/pf1e I used the Technology Guide extensively for my setting, so wondering if I could do that with Starfinder books.

Thanks in advance.

Starfinder 1e gear won't really be compatible, but Starfinder 2e is currently undergoing an open playtest and is intended to be fully compatible with Pathfinder 2e.

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