The Yellow Sign effects

Rules Questions

I'm a little confused with the spell The Yellow Sign.
It says it functions like Symbol of Death but to what extent?

The Yellow Sign is 9th level compared to 8th for Symbol of Death. Does it work off of 150 hp nearest to 60 feet or does it affect everyone with a domination at 60' range?

Many of the symbol spells refer to symbol of death for basic rules of operation like how it is triggered, applying passwords, how read magic interacts, etc.

The effects are different, The Yellow Sign just has the domination on those within 60' that fail the save. The HP limit, and the killing, do not apply.

Protection from x alignment spells usually reference protection from evil, detect x spells usually reference detect evil, etc.

Symbol of Death:N8 {for reference}
[not PFS] Yellow Sign:E9
counting HP's from the center outwards to HP:150 (partials(more HPs than spell has left) automatically skipped(succeed on (cmplsn)[mnd-afct] {likely [Evil] caster} Fort save) and the effect moves out looking for low HP mooks to affect {aka, it's likely done}) succeed on save or are dominated by Hæsteür to help worshipper's of {redacted}, who they probably can't identify, however if the caster venerates {redacted} he can command them.

===== advice
it should skip over worshipper's of {redacted} but it's meant to be used by specific BBEG NPCs on their own to inject drama/horror and the GM has deep pockets... Pretty useless unless you worship/venerate the old one or hold up a captured holy symbol and proclaim you do {temporarily, of course}... Still, you only get "help". Bah Humbug! All the symbols are overpriced. Go with energy drain, sum mon 9, grtr bestow curse, horrid wilting, maze, orb of the void, sum mon 8.

I grok do u wrote:

Many of the symbol spells refer to symbol of death for basic rules of operation like how it is triggered, applying passwords, how read magic interacts, etc.

The effects are different, The Yellow Sign just has the domination on those within 60' that fail the save. The HP limit, and the killing, do not apply.

Protection from x alignment spells usually reference protection from evil, detect x spells usually reference detect evil, etc.

That was my assumption, so just the basic structure of the spell not the inherent details as the effects should be changed.

yonman17 wrote:
... That was my assumption, so just the basic structure of the spell not the inherent details as the effects should be changed.

if it were just all targets witin 60ft there would be no need to reference symbol of death. Thus the method of counting and HP limit is important.

The 'real' effect (from the adventure) is {redacted} can target that victim for the rest of its life with his fulvous dreams ability which has more serious consequences in the adventure.

If you want to run it with the more powerful method in your home game that's fine but it is not RAW. I'd eliminate the {redacted} and dream connection substituting the deity of the consumed holy symbol material component for control/command purposes.

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