Odd questions?

Rules Questions

These have no theme per se, but are questions I'm curious to the answers of

1. can a hybrid class take an archetype (OR EXCHANGE AN ABILITY FOR) of one of its parent classes? provided it doesn't mess with any ability that the parent class does not possess? Example: an Investigator taking the Mind chemist archetype thus, replacing Poison Use (in this case, the comparable ability would be Poison Lore)

2. what happens if I enlarge a Shifter in her animal form, then cast permanency (assuming the above works) what happens when she shifts back? does she reduce her size? would she regain her new size when she shifts?

3. What happens if one casts enchantments, and perm, on a summoned weapon? would that weapon have that extra enchantment whenever summoned?

if the first one is yes, would it be possible to exchange say Poison Lore from base Investigator, for Perfect Recall from Mind Chemist? or even take the full archetype

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