Odd questions?

Rules Questions

These have no theme per se, but are questions I'm curious to the answers of

1. can a hybrid class take an archetype (OR EXCHANGE AN ABILITY FOR) of one of its parent classes? provided it doesn't mess with any ability that the parent class does not possess? Example: an Investigator taking the Mind chemist archetype thus, replacing Poison Use (in this case, the comparable ability would be Poison Lore)

2. what happens if I enlarge a Shifter in her animal form, then cast permanency (assuming the above works) what happens when she shifts back? does she reduce her size? would she regain her new size when she shifts?

3. What happens if one casts enchantments, and perm, on a summoned weapon? would that weapon have that extra enchantment whenever summoned?

if the first one is yes, would it be possible to exchange say Poison Lore from base Investigator, for Perfect Recall from Mind Chemist? or even take the full archetype

1 No hybrid classes are still separate classes. They cannot take archetypes of their parent classes. Without taking an archetype you cannot exchange class features for those in an archetype. Archetypes are all or nothing so you cannot just exchange what you want.

2. A Shifters Wild Shape functions like the spell Beast Shape. Beast Shape is a polymorph spell which means it does not actually change your type. You assume the shape of an animal but are still considered a humanoid for purpose of which spells affect you. So, spells like animal growth do not work on the shifter even when he is in animal form, but enlarge person will work. If you make enlarge person permanent it will still be functional when you change to an animal, because your type is still humanoid.

3. No, when the summoned weapon

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Mysterious Stranger wrote:


3. No, when the summoned weapon

I think the summon duration for Mysterious Stranger expired mid-answer.

You see why we don't stack questions, Demisword666! It wastes duration!

I wonder what spell I used? summon random fella on the net doesnt sound snappy. Unseen Servant sounds absolutely awful lol Summon Horror?

3. No, when the summoned weapon disappears it is gone. You would need to make the summon permanent first for this to work.

Sorry about that.

no worries! thank you for the clarification, I do have another question though, would Kirin Strike, and Focused Shot stack? given the wording it seems to imply they would

Mysterious Stranger wrote:
2. A Shifters Wild Shape functions like the spell Beast Shape. Beast Shape is a polymorph spell which means it does not actually change your type. You assume the shape of an animal but are still considered a humanoid for purpose of which spells affect you. So, spells like animal growth do not work on the shifter even when he is in animal form, but enlarge person will work. If you make enlarge person permanent it will still be functional when you change to an animal, because your type is still humanoid.

This is not quite correct. As you say, Shifter's Wild Shape is a polymorph effect and so would fall under this clause:

You can only be affected by one polymorph spell at a time. If a new polymorph spell is cast on you (or you activate a polymorph effect, such as wild shape), you can decide whether or not to allow it to affect you, taking the place of the old spell. In addition, other spells that change your size have no effect on you while you are under the effects of a polymorph spell.

Essentially, using Enlarge Person on a Shifter who is in Wild Shape would end Wild Shape if they allowed it to affect themselves. If permanency was then cast on the Enlarge Person effect (in their non-Wild Shape form) using Wild Shape (and choosing to have it provide its normal benefits) would dismiss the Enlarge Person, which would end and not return despite being permanent.

Enlarge Person is transmutation school, but is not under polymorph subschool

No, they do not stack because they are both adding in your INT bonus.

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happykj wrote:
Enlarge Person is transmutation school, but is not under polymorph subschool

The last sentence of the rule quote is the one that actually applies here, "In addition, other spells that change your size have no effect on you while you are under the effects of a polymorph spell." You simply cannot enlarge a polymorphed target.


Do ability modifiers from the same ability stack? For instance, can you add the same ability bonus on the same roll twice using two different effects that each add that same ability modifier?

No. An ability bonus, such as "Strength bonus", is considered to be the same source for the purpose of bonuses from the same source not stacking. However, you can still add, for instance “a deflection bonus equal to your Charisma modifier” and your Charisma modifier. For this purpose, however, the paladin's untyped "bonus equal to her Charisma bonus (if any) on all saving throws" from divine grace is considered to be the same as "Charisma bonus (if any)", and the same would be true for any other untyped "bonus equal to her [ability score] bonus" constructions.

Faq regarding same ability bonus

Does anyone know of a way to bypass disease immunity? I've made a disease user without knowing that I'm fighting a lot of outsiders and other disease immune creatures

Not all outsiders are immune to disease. ASura, Daemon, Inevitable, Manasaputra, Psychopomp, and Sahkil, are immune to disease. Other outsiders including but not limited to Demon, Devil, and Elemental have no such immunity. Other outsiders not on the above list are only immune to disease if the stat block of the specific creature states they are immune to disease. Constructs and Undead are going to be more of a problem, as both of those types are listed as being immune to disease.

to give context, I have a homebrew disease, which when combined with a feat, allows me to give that disease with my weapon attacks (in addition of being hit with a natural attack or slashing damage)

but I know in Hells Vengeance (which I hadnt known previous to making the character) Ive ended up facing a lot of creatures that kinda nuter a lot of my kit, so my options are as follows, I'll post the calculations underneath the ideas:

Kirin Style/Strike: x2 Int mod (currently +6) as a swift action against monsters I've Identified (which I've built my Investigator to do)

Focused Shot: Standard action to add int to damage (this damage is precision and thus not multi on crits)

Infectious Weapons: the feat that allows me to use my weapons (GM's approval) to give my enemies the disease, which when they end their turn with the contracted disease gain cold vulnerability, plus 1D6 nonlethal cold damage

Ive built my character to be a virtually unkillable heal & support/encyclopedia. which means he's not much of a threat, and thus my other party member's often get hunted down more than I do

Le Tasty Math:
Full round with Kirin strike: ((1D6+1[magic]+4[studied]+(1d8x2)[Inspiration])X2)+6+6[Kirin strike] = 28-66[low-high] Damage, assuming both hit. 20-39[low-high] if only one hits.
Standard action with Focused Strike: 1D6+1[Magic]+4[studied]+6[Int]+(1d8x2)[Inspiration] = 14-33[low-high] Damage
Standard focus shot + Kirin Strike: 1D6+1[Magic]+4[studied]+6[Int]+(1d8x2)[Inspiration]+6+6[Kirin Strike] = 26-45[low-high] damage

So the single attack with both is more reliable damage, but can't reach the heights of a full round attack, but you can still take a move action.

on the other hand, I could instead go the disease route, thus adding a bit more debuff to my kit instead, but I want to make sure I have a consistent way around immunity

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