Post Alignment

Pathfinder Second Edition General Discussion

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Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

I've found the game more enjoyable since alignment has been removed.

It's helped funnel the folks who are truly edgelordian to other games and systems, which makes for a more fun play experience.

It also enables folks to actually be existent entities working with other existing entities without fear of 'sudden random power failure' for 'oops, that person you helped was EBIL'.

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Wei Ji the Learner wrote:
It also enables folks to actually be existent entities working with other existing entities without fear of 'sudden random power failure' for 'oops, that person you helped was EBIL'.

I was always curious about how frequently this actually happened. Not just that example but power loss in general. It happened at my table, but only ever as a joke because the paladin's player would swear IRL, lose his powers, stare up at the ceiling and say "Sorry!" and instantly gain them back. I don't think I've ever encountered serious, persistent power loss in the wild.

We had it happen in our campaign a while back. The party liberator was sworn to a god who commanded followers to control their temper and only let their anger out fully in battle, and she lost her temper in a shouting match with the party cleric (who was drunk and deliberately goading her). It was very much a deliberate roleplay moment. She wound up not being able to find a cleric who could cast the ritual, so she retrained into thaumaturge instead.

Liberty's Edge

I was always curious about how frequently this actually happened. Not just that example but power loss in general. It happened at my table, but only ever as a joke because the paladin's player would swear IRL, lose his powers, stare up at the ceiling and say "Sorry!" and instantly gain them back. I don't think I've ever encountered serious, persistent power loss in the wild.

The two instances I think of in my history were pretty non-standard. We had a paladin who was possessed and did some pretty bad things. The player proposed the losing of his powers even though he wasn't in control and it became a part of the story having him try and right his bodies wrongs.

The other instance was an old 3.5 adventure. The players were pretty high level and exploring a temple in a shadowplane. There was a pool of unholy water that they players needed to get to the other side of and the adventure had a note about how touching the water could break a good characters contact with their god. There were several divine characters in the group, but the fighter was easily the most devote person so of course he is the one who dropped into the water first. The look on his players face was devastated when I told him that it doesn't affect any of his abilities obviously, but he could no longer feel his faith.

Random fun add on to that, we had a mystic theurge(wizard/cleric mix) in that group and we always joked how he just prepped all the weird utilities spells so he would have something for every situation. There was a running joke that he would let the fighter do something stupid and then pull out the perfect spell for the situation. When the fighter was looking devastated, the theurge chimed in that he casts control water and parts the pool and just stares at the fighter as he walks across.

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