Design Idea - Let Ammunition determine a weapons damage?

Playtest General Discussion

Ok im not sure how this works with the whole pathfinder 2e compatibility and im obviously not a professional dev so please take this as a rough idea.

I really like the idea of caring about amunition. I also like the feeling of finding ammunition for your best gun in every shooter. But you will be drowning in ammunition in the later stages of a pathfinder game because you are guaranteed to get rich in any game based on PF2e.
And i also saw some comments about ammunition being to expensive in the early game. (And it is indeed a bit pricy).

What if we would determine the damage die base on the Tier of the ammunition? I think this would solve a few issues.

- We could have cheap early game ammunition and expensive lategame ammunition which would mean ammunition would keep its relative value throughout the game.

- We could design cooler special Ammunition because you could decrease weapon damage if the ammunition gives a cool effect.

- This could also bring back the old weapon categories (small arms, long arms, sniper rifles, heavy weapons) while also having matial and simple weapons. Just make the old categories in to ammunition categories. I think it would be a cool way to differentiate between the different weapons.

- This would also result in cool situations where you could loot your enemies powerful ammunition. It would create a different experience when you fight enemies who can drop ammunition compared to enemies like the swarm. You could also develop different strategies on how to conserve ammo because ammo wouldn't be worthless after a certain point.

- I think it feels better when you upgrade your ammunition to deal more damage compared to your weapon.

What do you think? Is this to micro managy?

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I'm not opposed to the idea, but what I'd recommend is probably this

What if the base damage was the normal ammunition, and picking a non-standard, more expensive ammunition would increase the die size by one. Say upgrading from full metal jacket to jacketed hollow point. Tracer Rounds can probably do the same damage as a normal bullet, but give a bonus equivalent to the Sweep Trait. subsonic rounds could reduce the die size by one, but are compatible with silencers.

In short, don't let bullets assign a specific damage die, but instead, let a bullet type modify the weapon's damage dice up or down.

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