Take'Em Alive!

Envoy Class Discussion

I understand what it does but it is hyper niche. I understand giving you the benefit of your Get'Em! Directive but why does this not let me add half of my Charisma Mod, at this point I think that Lead by Example part for the Envoy should probably be a class feature that adds 1/2 Charisma to all damage you deal (Should honestly be full Charisma) because later on in the class you might not even be firing your gun depending on your build. If I had the versatility of a Bard with magic I'd argue this. It feels great but the other feats at level 1 just feel better.

Scarab Sages

ElementalofCuteness wrote:
I understand what it does but it is hyper niche. I understand giving you the benefit of your Get'Em! Directive but why does this not let me add half of my Charisma Mod, at this point I think that Lead by Example part for the Envoy should probably be a class feature that adds 1/2 Charisma to all damage you deal (Should honestly be full Charisma) because later on in the class you might not even be firing your gun depending on your build. If I had the versatility of a Bard with magic I'd argue this. It feels great but the other feats at level 1 just feel better.

It's not hyper niche, at least not in my games. In SF1, my operative always had a nonlethal weapon on him in case there was someone who was fighting us who was just confused or misguided . . . which happens a lot.

I've also seen a LOT of fights where players are like "We should knock him out."

"You can do a nonlethal attack with a -2 to hit."

"Nope, can't accept any penalty ever, kill 'em."

So having the option to do nonlethal attacks is really nice, especially with strange weapons like the bone scepter. I'm okay with it. It's all about making a choice, do you suffer the minor inconvenience of not doing 2-3 extra damage per hit on order to take them alive, or do you murderhobo them?

I think nonlethal is a lot more important in Starfinder's societies where there are potentially security cameras (and spectators recording you) and on call security forces who could respond quickly. Not every GM is going to want to run it that way or deal with it, but for those who do being able to turn over unconscious miscreants to the police instead of explaining away dead bodies might be what they want.

Starfinder has also leaned into bounty hunter tropes in the past and presumably will again.

I also note that as of now we only have nonlethal weapons in the playtest, not the SF1 stun trait (as in "set phasers to stun") that let you flip between lethal and nonlethal. Always on nonlethal guns are a hindrance against constructs and an expense to have as backup.

Can we please get the stun trait back? I loved the option to set my weapon to stun. It always felt a bit like playing star trek ^^.

I think that take em alive only exists because the stun trait is missing.

Scarab Sages

Trashloot wrote:

Can we please get the stun trait back? I loved the option to set my weapon to stun. It always felt a bit like playing star trek ^^.


I think that take em alive only exists because the stun trait is missing.

Vesk with Dhoshkos would like to disagree.


I agree nonlethal is a lot more important in Starfinder's societies. A lot of the Zo! scenarios involved live televised nonlethal combat. Some of the more diplomatic missions in Starfinder getting into lethal combat in a fancy restaurant even if that's protecting the ambassador you are escorting will land you in jail. There's also the music adventures where you might be doing crowd control for a concert. First contact can be a good time to use nonlethal too.

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