Asvice on a gnome wizard explorer


Hello folks, I have a concept and rough build in mind and would appreciate suggestions for fitting feats and spells.

The goal ist not the optimized Min/Max build, but rather a thematically fitting and we'll working one.

It's going to be an "older" gnome (not so old to actually get age penalties, but close) I'd say around 90 years old. To fight of the bleaching he took on adventuring and found particular enthusiasm in traveling around the world to seek and find lost knowledge.
He's a friendly and helpful fella, who is sometimes a little muddled.

What I have so far:

Pug Durmand
Male gnome
Wizard (poleiheira adherent, scroll scholar)
Abilities (after racial)
Str 8
Dex 15
Con 10
Int 16
Wis 12
Cha 12

Possible Feats/Discoveries
Discovery: Knowledge is Power
Careful Reader
Extend Spell
Toppling Spell (for use with Magic Missile)

I consider taking levels in cyphermage as well, as it would fit the theme.

For spells I'd like some suggestions of the "non-standard" variety, which would fit the theme (for example Create Treasure Map.

All suggestions are welcome.

Toshy wrote:
The goal ist not the optimized Min/Max build, but rather a thematically fitting and we'll working one.

That's fair enough. I would still recommend raising that Intelligence score if you can afford it. 16 is a little iffy for a Wizard, especially since Poleiheira loses the arcane school class feature and gets fewer spells per day. You really need all the bonus spells you can get.

Toshy wrote:
Wizard (poleiheira adherent, scroll scholar)

These archetypes are incompatible. The Scroll Scholar requires you to have either the Diviner or Universalist school feature. The Poleiheira Adherent loses the Arcane School class feature in its entirety, and therefor cannot take either Universalist or Diviner. Therefor they are incompatible. You must choose one or the other, you cannot have both.

(as an aside, Poleiheira Adherent trades away way too much for what it gives you. This creates compatibility issues with other archetypes that it really shouldn't have, but losing arcane school really cuts your options for mixing in other archetypes)

Toshy wrote:

Abilities (after racial)

Str 8
Dex 15
Con 10
Int 16
Wis 12
Cha 12

This seems to be a 19 point buy. That's a little weird, did you forget a point somewhere?

Toshy wrote:

Possible Feats/Discoveries

Discovery: Knowledge is Power
Careful Reader
Extend Spell
Toppling Spell (for use with Magic Missile)

Given how low your Strength score is and the penalty for being small-sized and being a 1/2 BAB class, Knowledge is Power probably isn't doing enough for you to be worth taking. Your CMD is still going to be terrible, and this Discovery just makes it slightly less terrible. If you're going to fail anyways, you may as well pick something else. Knowledge is Power is something I generally only see used well on Eldritch Knight builds that are using it to boost a CMB/CMD that is already decent.

Careful Reader is really specific and the kind of thing that may never come up in a campaign. Taking feats for flavor is all well and good, but if it literally never comes up then you may as well have not had it at all.

Toshy wrote:
For spells I'd like some suggestions of the "non-standard" variety, which would fit the theme (for example Create Treasure Map.

I suggest Mad Monkeys. As a wise gnome once said, when you have that many monkeys anything is possible.

Mh, well then my character creation app made a mistake with the archetypes being compatible.
I'd go with only poleiheira adherent then, as I really like the flavor of the binded infinite spell-/notebook, the mount and the (I admit pretty niche, but very favorable) ability to control a ship on my own.

The abilities are actually a 15 point buy:
Str 10 = 0 points
Dex 13 = 3 points
Con 10 = 0 points
Int 16 = 10 points
Wis 12 = 2 points
Cha 10 = 0 points
In the original post, I already included the racial gnome bonuses (-2 Str, +2 Dex, +2 Cha), as mentioned.
I often plan with a balanced 15 point buy and if a 20 or 25 point buy is allowed bump the most useful score.
For a 20 point buy, I would probably drop Wis to 10, so I could increase Int to 18.

Careful Reader was taken for flavor and because one possible DM of ours likes to built in such stuff.

Mad Monkeys sounds fun, I'll definitely consider that one

And would you consider allowing poleiheira adherent and scroll scholar to work together (as a home rule, after counseling with the DM) to strong?

Or would the power level of both archetypes be fine in relation to other archetypes/combinations?

Toshy wrote:
Mh, well then my character creation app made a mistake with the archetypes being compatible.

Definitely an issue with your character creator. Possibly due to Scroll Scholar being a little bit unusual in that it only modifies part of the Arcane School class feature rather than the entire feature.

Toshy wrote:
I'd go with only poleiheira adherent then, as I really like the flavor of the binded infinite spell-/notebook, the mount and the (I admit pretty niche, but very favorable) ability to control a ship on my own.

Yeah, it is a very flavorful archetype. Just such a shame it trades off so much for what is essentially flavor.

Toshy wrote:
In the original post, I already included the racial gnome bonuses (-2 Str, +2 Dex, +2 Cha), as mentioned.

Those are the Halfling racial bonuses. Gnome is -2 Str, +2 Con, +2 Cha

Toshy wrote:
And would you consider allowing poleiheira adherent and scroll scholar to work together (as a home rule, after counseling with the DM) to strong?

I'd allow it, Poleiheira is mostly flavor and shouldn't have to trade away nearly as much as it does. Trading off the Arcane Bond is enough, having to give up Arcane School as well is just incredible overkill.

Dasrak wrote:
Toshy wrote:
In the original post, I already included the racial gnome bonuses (-2 Str, +2 Dex, +2 Cha), as mentioned.
Those are the Halfling racial bonuses. Gnome is -2 Str, +2 Con, +2 Cha

Ah my bad, I swayed between halfling and gnome, so I probably had the wrong stats in mind. But that's easy to fix.

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