Wild Mimic archetype and Monk stances

Pathfinder Second Edition General Discussion

So I'm playing a Ranger with the Wild Mimic archetype. My plan was to take Tiger Stance or Wolf Stance at 4th level, since I have yet to run into a creature that would allow me to take Ferocity Mimicry or Rend Mimicry. And then I remember, oh yeah, these stances require me to be unarmored. Wow, that's really awful!

So I guess one question I have is, man why is that a requirement for these stances at all? Is there some crazy combo that you could achieve if you could wear armor while using them? I'm guessing it's just flavor.

But also, doesn't this just seem like a huge oversight for Wild Mimic? These feats are basically unusable for almost any character who would want access to them. Casters that can't wear armor probably won't be taking the archetype anyway. Monks already have access to these feats at lower levels. And even other characters with Dexterity as their key stat are taking an 1-point AC penalty at lower levels if they want to use these feats. (My Ranger is Strength-based, so it's extra awful for him.)

As a side note, boo to Paizo for including Gorilla Stance and Gorilla Pound in the Wild Mimic archetype with a reference to Player Core 2, then not actually including those feats in Player Core 2.

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