Starfinder Adventure Path Sub Going Away?

Paizo General Discussion

Liberty's Edge

I got an email that said the AP sub was merging with the Adventure line. Does this mean I won't get my monthly AP books in the mail anymore? Are they just waiting until all 6 of the books are done, then combining them into a hardcover?

I like the monthly goodies, and I tend to shy away from hardcovers because they are big and bulky. Heck, even my main books are the pocket editions.

They are simply merging AP and Adventures into a single sub; there is a comment from Customer Service here.

Liberty's Edge

Yeah that does not explain the only 2 to 4 releases every year portion of the email.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Noven wrote:
Yeah that does not explain the only 2 to 4 releases every year portion of the email.

Starfinder APs haven't been single books since April of 2023. They are now single hardcover books.

Community and Social Media Specialist

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We have a panel at Gen Con coming up that will lay out Starfinder's roadmap for the next year. I'm sure we will have answers to your questions then!

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