Summary on Improvised Weapons

Rules Questions

Liberty's Edge

Suddenly, I had the idea to play a Rogue with improvised weapons, and I wasn't the first. It took some time but eventually I put together some info from various sources and gathered them here:

It always will be up to DM in the end naturally, but do you have any thoughts?

Improvised Weapons
From humble beginnings our ancestors took up the stick and started poking around, our first adventurers. The improvised weapon was made and next followed the rock and torch, lighting up our future. From whatever pieces tools were made, but before the Simple Weapons were made, the world of Improvisation flourished. The improv of Golarion thrives in the art of doing the unexpected and baffles the many.

1. What an Improvised weapon is
2. Managing, Masterwork & Enhancements
3. Improvised Weaknesses
4. Improvised Wielding or not
5. Feats that aid
6. General Improvised Damage
...continues in link...

Have I missed something?

In Combo with:

The Homebrew
The Improviser

while doable in general, it's not effective. Use a real weapon.

If you are trying to consolidate info on improvised weapon use, you should add more of the archetypes and other specific talents/feats/traits and spells that exist for improvised weapons:

Partial list:
Brawler Hinyasi
Monk Monk of the Empty Hand
Fighter Cad
Barbarian Breaker
Occultist Extemporaneous Channeler
Rogue Makeshift Scrapper

Vigilante talents: Environmental weapon and Swamp concoction

Torch bearer
Torch handling* maybe not, this actually changes torch to be treated as a simple weapon
The Shikigami Style feat line

Gloves of Unexpected Violence

A general improvised weapon term AoN search

With respect to the homebrew: the wording of the new sneak attack limit to one attempt per round sounds as though if you miss your attack roll you lose your sneak attack.
The improved catch off-guard, does another drawn arrow count as a new unique improvised weapon to make a target flat-footed again?

Liberty's Edge

I grok do u wrote:

If you are trying to consolidate info on improvised weapon use, you should add more of the archetypes and other specific talents/feats/traits and spells that exist for improvised weapons:

** spoiler omitted **

With respect to the homebrew: the wording of the new sneak attack limit to one attempt per round sounds as though if you miss your attack roll you lose your sneak attack.
The improved catch off-guard, does another drawn arrow count as a new unique improvised weapon to make a target flat-footed again?

Thanks, great input!

For the Improviser's Improved Catch-off-guard; The idea is that a new improvised weapon form is enough to continue surprising the foe. So changing between Arrow and stone would be possible but not using multiple arrows in melee vs the same foe.

I really struggle with the wording for the Improvised Rogue's Sneak attack, maybe its meaning is more clear now.

In a few days I'll have the Summary updated. I was stuck before but with this search-filter-function on Archives of Nethys, ill have some more reading ahead of me :)

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