Toxicant and natural attacks

Rules Questions

Hi, i'm looking at the toxicant archetype and i found it amazing since i think poison in pf or even dnd is a little bit underrated :/, so i have a few question

1- The Toxic Secretion inflict the poison on any natural attack or unarmed strike that touch the toxicant cause the poison is secrated through the skin and ofc if you touch it you are f##*ed, but if the Toxicant have natural attacks like claw or bite (from the feral mutagen or even race trait ) does it apply the poison?

2- If you poison your claws (either is the answer to 1 is yes or if you use action to poison them) does your poison stacks? Or does it just reset? Or just nothing? Like if i hit someone with the first claw then he must succeed a save or take MOD INT dmg and if i hit him again with the claw does it take the damage again on the on hit and next turn, and next turn does he have 2 save to make to avoir taking MOD INT dmg two time or its only one save and it took MOD INT dmg*2

3- Any way to poison multiple weapon in one round?

For question 2, there is a rule regarding stacking poison in CRB

poison wrote:
Unlike other afflictions, multiple doses of the same poison stack. Poisons delivered by injury and contact cannot inflict more than one dose of poison at a time, but inhaled and ingested poisons can inflict multiple doses at once. Each additional dose extends the total duration of the poison (as noted under frequency) by half its total duration. In addition, each dose of poison increases the DC to resist the poison by +2. This increase is cumulative. Multiple doses do not alter the cure conditions of the poison, and meeting these conditions ends the affliction for all the doses. For example, a character is bit three times in the same round by a trio of Medium monstrous spiders, injecting him with three doses of Medium spider venom. The unfortunate character must make a DC 18 Fortitude save for the next 8 rounds. Fortunately, just one successful save cures the character of all three doses of the poison.

Multiple dose cause the poison DC +2 and duration increase half of the poison duration

unless your claws secrete the poison, then you only get a single poison dose from each claw, administered via the first hit.

1. No, this only applies to attackers, you must spend the action to poison your claws

2. You normally only get one attack per dose of poison
What you want is this

To answer your question more directly:
A creature makes a save when
a)it hits you with an attack designated in the entry
b)you hit with a poisoned weapon
c)once per round that it still has duration left (adjusting the DC for the number of concurrent doses)

3. You will need Improved Unarmed Strike, Weapon Focus(claw), and Feral Combat Training, but unless you also secure a ruling at your table that swifts may be taken as a standard (this is the amount of "effort" the book says they represent), you will need a 2nd round to finish prepping your combo
Adder Strike

Archaeik wrote:

1. No, this only applies to attackers, you must spend the action to poison your claws

2. You normally only get one attack per dose of poison
What you want is this

To answer your question more directly:
A creature makes a save when
a)it hits you with an attack designated in the entry
b)you hit with a poisoned weapon
c)once per round that it still has duration left (adjusting the DC for the number of concurrent doses)

3. You will need Improved Unarmed Strike, Weapon Focus(claw), and Feral Combat Training, but unless you also secure a ruling at your table that swifts may be taken as a standard (this is the amount of "effort" the book says they represent), you will need a 2nd round to finish prepping your combo
Adder Strike

ok thanks for the answer

1- Yeah thats what i tought but i tought that maybe there was a rule which said something like "if an effect it induce by ennemy touching you with natural/unarmed attack then your natural attack can apply this effect" cause you know they are technicaly touching you when you hit them :p, but thats ok

2- Yeah i know about the Sticky Poison discovery the question was more about stacking poison cause i didnt know how it work but thanks to the link of happykj

3- Nice one didnt tought of FCT to use adder strike with nat attack, and yeah i was wondering if there was a rules to use move/standard action to make a swift action, i will try to see that with my MJ thanks

4- Now that i read about the poison stacking, and it doesnt say if the DC is reduce at one point only that if you manage to cure one stack you cure all stacks, does that mean that at one point the DC is unbeatable ? If i use sticky poison and i hit a lot +2 on the DC can go quite high if i manage my poison generation+hit or does it decrease at one point?

5- Final question (for now), do you have any feat/item/trait that can help the toxicant? (Except adder strike, toxic&Virulent weapon, Pernicious Stab cause i might go vivisectionist)

The rule didn't say it will decrease at any point, so the DC will simply +2 for every dose.

But note that natural 20 is always a success for saving throw, and natural 1 is always a failure, which means no matter how high or how low the DC is, you always have minimum 5% chance of success and 5% chance of failure.

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