Why does the "Shove" Action allow you to stride after the person you shoved, but the "Reposition" action doesn't allow you to stride with the repositioned enemy?

Rules Discussion

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I just noticed the "Shove" action allows a success or critical success person to move after the enemy that was shoved (only up to the amount of movement shoved) for free, but a "Reposition" action only allows you to move a person within your reach and you cannot follow after it unless you spend a stride or step action to do so.

In my mind, I feel like reposition could be dragging an enemy into a better position to flank with an ally, or dragging the enemy away from your teammates while moving.

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When you reposition a target you cannot move it away from you but when you shove you can (and you can also put it in a hazard square, trap, hole, chasm...) so to prevent into make the enemy going outside your range when you don't want you can Stride to keep in your weapon range.

The idea is simply if you are shoving your enemy to a lava pool you don't want to follow it and just Shove it way in the direction of the hazard but when you are just wanting to Shove the target way from the caster while want to keep it in range for new attacks or reaction you can follow it.

Reposition is different is like as you "grab" and pull your target and move it to a new adjacent square that is not away from you. It's useful to put in into a flanking position for example or to pull an enemy that is threatening an ally but you are in a situation where you can't or don't worth to push it away with Shove.

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