Healer's Way - Divine Herbalist d6 progression

Rules Questions

Healer’s Way (Su)
A divine herbalist combines alchemy, acupuncture, and divine magic to heal wounds by touch. She can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 1 + her Charisma modifier. With one use of this ability, she uses positive energy to heal the target of 1d6 hit points for every 2 oracle levels she has. Using this ability is a standard action unless the oracle targets herself, in which case it is a swift action. Using this ability requires only one free hand. This ability counts as a paladin’s lay on hands ability for the purposes of feats, spells, and effects that work with that class feature when it is used for healing purposes. Unlike lay on hands, this ability cannot be used to harm undead.

This ability replaces the revelation gained at 1st level.

At 1st level does it start at 1d6?

While the ability is missing specific text stating on what the minimum amount of healing is, you cannot heal a partial hitdice unless there is specific language about it (and none that I know of in the game). There are times where authors of archetypes overlook certain things like this.

So, yes. At 1st level of the Pei Zin Practitioner, or Divine Herbalist if you are using the d20pfsrd site, the healing is 1d6. It remains 1d6 until 4th level, where it will increase to 2d6.

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