Drezen After the 5th Crusade

Pathfinder Second Edition General Discussion

Is there any mention in any 2nd edition material about what happened to Drezen after the 5th crusade?

According to the world guide, the only permanent holding in the Sarkoris scar is Gundrun.

Did Mendev abandon it? If so,

*what did they do with the Purity Forge?*

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I think a city like Drezen is so dependent on player choices that having canon for what happened there is almost certainly going to result in conflicts with tables that played Wrath. If your group never played it, then you can just kinda make up whatever conclusion for the city and its artifacts you want, and if you did play it, you can keep your outcomes or change them for whatever future story you want to. Some groups probably skipped doing much with the purity forge so trying to canonize seems unnecessary. It is a perfectly good concept to borrow for another game if you want it though!

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Drezen was a wartime outpost. It grew because of its importance to the crusade. With the closing of the Worldwound I would expect the city to shrink significantly. The vast majority if Drezen's population was either Crusaders or support staff (armorers, weapon smiths, etc.).

Instead of a large city of 100k or more, it probably drops to below 20k. You can likely still buy really good armor or weapons there since not all smiths would leave town, but it's no longer a boom town like it was during WotR. The Worldwound is closed, but that doesn't mean Sarkorian Scar makes good farmland. Most of the former soldiers either went south to fight the Whispering Way or returned to Mendev.

The Scar is still tainted by Fiendish energies from the Outer Rifts (aka Abyss). It is also full of demons and other fiendish creatures, not to mention all the Cultists, that were trapped when the Worldwound was closed.

I think it would be an ideal place for adventurers to use as a base camp while making forays into the Scar to find the demon remnants or search for powerful artifacts that were lost during the Crusades.

Kelseus wrote:

Drezen was a wartime outpost. It grew because of its importance to the crusade. With the closing of the Worldwound I would expect the city to shrink significantly. The vast majority if Drezen's population was either Crusaders or support staff (armorers, weapon smiths, etc.).

Instead of a large city of 100k or more, it probably drops to below 20k. You can likely still buy really good armor or weapons there since not all smiths would leave town, but it's no longer a boom town like it was during WotR. The Worldwound is closed, but that doesn't mean Sarkorian Scar makes good farmland. Most of the former soldiers either went south to fight the Whispering Way or returned to Mendev.

The Scar is still tainted by Fiendish energies from the Outer Rifts (aka Abyss). It is also full of demons and other fiendish creatures, not to mention all the Cultists, that were trapped when the Worldwound was closed.

I think it would be an ideal place for adventurers to use as a base camp while making forays into the Scar to find the demon remnants or search for powerful artifacts that were lost during the Crusades.

Fair point, with the crusades over it would be diminished. Just feels weird that it was such a a big part of the WotR that the 2nd edition world guide would just gloss over it.

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