Class Compare Proficiency Chart

Guardian Class Discussion

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

This is a comparison of some of the classes we have been comparing to Guardian by how many levels they spend at each proficiency.
I have charts set up in the tabs labeled by class. Stacking bar charts adding up to all 20 levels showing Weapons Armor Spell/class DC fort reflex will and perception to get a better view of each chassis at least as far as their proficiency.
Class Compare charts.
Fixed the spelling on Spell proficiency, it says it auto updates every 5 minutes though.

Left axis is character Level.
Numbers in the bars themselves is how many levels the class stays at that proficiency.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

For the monk I had just chose fort for first path, reflex for second path and the improved path.

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Fighter becomes a Will expert at 3rd level.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Lucas Yew wrote:
Fighter becomes a Will expert at 3rd level.

Thank you. I guess I saw bravery and didnt realize will to expert was in there. I will update it.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Does anyone want any other classes charted?

Have you seen Gisher's proficiency bonuses?

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Gisher's presentation is great.
The chart i posted is not aiming to be that refined a guide, just a simple look at the guardian class and a few others we were comparing it to. Presentation is different. Gisher is going as far as telling you the bonus you will have at any level. I'm just charting the number of levels a class stays in any proficiency grade.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I updated the chart with all the player core classes.

Monk and champ are on it too.

Can you add a line graph comparing weapons and armor proficiency of all classes every level?

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Hows that?

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

So looking at this comparison of weapon proficiency,

what is in the guardian chassis that comes on line at level 15 that is so strong that the bump to master has to wait for level 17? Why not keep it 2 levels behind like it is to get to expert compared to other martials?

Bluemagetim wrote:
Hows that?

Basically turn the data in line graph with each line representing each class. One graph for weapon and another for armors. If you want you can also make a fused graph with the sum() between weapons and armors in order to show when and in what level each class is bellow in proficiency compared to other (you can ignore casters once they are way more complex than martials in such comparison due the saves).

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Yeah it does get pretty busy. Most martials on weapons overlap since they have the same progression too.

For weapons proficiency there are 5 distinct progressions of the ones I charted.

6 Distinct Armor progressions.

I saw the ability to change the color scheme of the lines, maybe I can make the stand out a bit more and use the same color for classes with the same progression. Ill keep the horizontal bar chart up too for anyone who that clicks for.

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