Got an idea to end rocket tag, is that still a thing in pf2?

Homebrew and House Rules

Not sure if pf2 ends up with the rocket tag issue in late game, but if it does, I had an idea for fixing it. My idea should work for any system that is roughly similar to a d20 system.

If you do have the issue in pf2, I’ll post a link to my thread on it in the pf1 homebrew rules.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Speaking as someone who has played from levels 1 to 18, I can confidently state that it's not really a problem in 2nd Edition.

Your post reads like a phishing attempt.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Phishing? That’s when someone is trying to con someone into giving their personally identifiable info, the sort necessary to access bank accounts and such. How exactly is my post inviting people to give me such personal info?

Really I posted here because I played the pf2 playtest and found it dropped the most important things I want from a system so I didn’t bother wasting my time playing further, but as essentially a d20 based system, my modification would work for it. I just didn’t know if the problem existed here or not, hence finding out. Thanks for answering that at least, along with your bizarre accusation.

Sovereign Court

I've played two APs to 20 so far and rocket tag hasn't been a problem like it was in PF1.

Thank you.

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