Your guesses about the new iconics.

Pathfinder Second Edition General Discussion

When new classes are announced, in addition to thinking about what mechanics we'll see, I also like to try to imagine what Paizo and Wayne Reinolds will pull out of the hat for the new iconic characters. The playtest will start on Monday 29th April, but it's likely we'll see the iconics some days ahead (my guess is a stream on Friday 26th). Since there's still a bit of time, do you want to try to guess what we will have? Here's my two cents.

First of all, since they are both martial classes that will be released during an event concerning a great war, in my opinion both the iconic characters could come from nations with a strong military tradition. There are various, but I would like to focus on a couple that do not yet have an iconic character among their ranks.
- Commander: I would say a classic human coming from Molthune, but given that with oracle, animist and exemplar Paizo seems to have also opened up to iconics not belonging to the core ancestries, I would really like to see a hobgoblin coming from Oprak. A veteran of the Ironfang Legion.
- Guardian: A veteran soldier from Mendev. I would say dwarf, but how cool would a halfling or gnome be? A 3-foot tank with 100 pounds of armor.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I would like to see some more non humans in the makeup of iconics. Since Leshy are common now I think that would be cool BUT I don't think Leshy would really fit the M.O of what we know about the classes.

If any of the ancestries in Player Core 2 also get the common upgrade like Leshy and Orc then they might get a shot at being an iconic. I could see a Hobgoblin Commander fitting that role really well.

Would personally love to see more Gnomes in the iconic ranks.

Edit: being sick makes you forget things. I guess the iconics dont need to be from common ancestries... but they do see to be more likely.

I'm going to guess that the Guardian will be female. The iconic Champion is female. The iconic Barbarian is female. The iconic Soldier over on the SF2 side is female. There's a theme here, and there's a reason behind it. I expect that it will continue.

Liberty's Edge

Here are my guesses:

One of them will be mentally, physically, and/or developmentally disabled, probably the Guardian.

One of them will be a Human with a Versatile Heritage.

They will likely both be women.

One of them will be at least middle-aged, perhaps even bordering on elderly.

Neither will follow the cultural norms of their actual ancestry.

pixierose wrote:

I would like to see some more non humans in the makeup of iconics. Since Leshy are common now I think that would be cool BUT I don't think Leshy would really fit the M.O of what we know about the classes.

If any of the ancestries in Player Core 2 also get the common upgrade like Leshy and Orc then they might get a shot at being an iconic. I could see a Hobgoblin Commander fitting that role really well.

Would personally love to see more Gnomes in the iconic ranks.

Edit: being sick makes you forget things. I guess the iconics dont need to be from common ancestries... but they do see to be more likely.

I'll give an upvote for more varied ancestries. With call of the wild on it's way, there are tons of options. How about a lemming commander. Forward, troops! ;) Or for a less silly combo, lion or eagle. And teenage [um...uh...] turtle guardian practically writes itself.

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I'd love to see the iconic commander be an orc. Orcs also have a pretty militant culture, and it would dispel some of the cultural stereotypes if two of the more notable orc pregens we have are a tactically-minded orcish commander and that orcish investigator from The Slithering.

Sanityfaerie wrote:
I'm going to guess that the Guardian will be female. The iconic Champion is female. The iconic Barbarian is female. The iconic Soldier over on the SF2 side is female. There's a theme here, and there's a reason behind it. I expect that it will continue.

I'm honestly thinking the commander is more likely to be a female, though its more of a hunch from my part honestly. It would also be really cool if, following Themetricsystem comment, for the commander iconic to need a wheelchair to move if the class really allows you to spend all your actions to give actions to your teammates. It would be like a physically impaired character that, in contrast, frees up a ton of actions for other characters.

Guardian could be female or not, I can't say really, though its clear Paizo has a type for the "tanks". I could see this one as an orc though, since the orc pantheon is getting a shift in War of Immortals.

I'll second the hopes for a hobgoblin commander. That makes too much sense to me.

I would really like to see a hobgoblin as a iconic character. I'm actually a fan of hobgoblins, liking them much more than orcs. So a character like that would be a great addition for me.


This might be reading too hard into it, but the WoI announcement blog refers to the Commander as a "she", seemingly following the 1e class description tradition where that sort of thing always matched the gender of the class's iconic.

And hey, people would love a commanding tactician woman - cue the girlboss memes!

As for ancestries, I expect one to be an orc - they're a Core, common ancestry now, badly overdue for an iconic (all we have are dromaars like Droven), and would be appropriate for either class, on top of orcs' prominent role in the War of Immortals.

While I'd love for the other to be, say, a hobgoblin or kholo, I imagine they'll be some kind of human of some nation/culture/ethnicity we haven't had much rep for either (someone from a militarized nation like Lingshen perhaps? Or someplace in Arcadia, perhaps...).

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Orcs and leshies are core, but we don't have any orc or leshy iconics. We also just got two humans. I suspect that at least one of the two will be either an orc or a leshy.

We know that the commander is female. The guardian's gender wasn't specified. My gut says that's not a coincidence, so the guardian will be outside the gender binary.

We've been told that a big war is coming. A few times now, in fact. It probably won't be against Tar-Baphon, so Andoran and Cheliax are probably going to have their throwdown. I'd expect one iconic on each side of the fight, with the Chelaxian motivated by duty to the nation rather than loyalty to House Thrune or Hell (though we've had evil iconics before...)

Liberty's Edge

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exequiel759 wrote:
Sanityfaerie wrote:
I'm going to guess that the Guardian will be female. The iconic Champion is female. The iconic Barbarian is female. The iconic Soldier over on the SF2 side is female. There's a theme here, and there's a reason behind it. I expect that it will continue.

I'm honestly thinking the commander is more likely to be a female, though its more of a hunch from my part honestly. It would also be really cool if, following Themetricsystem comment, for the commander iconic to need a wheelchair to move if the class really allows you to spend all your actions to give actions to your teammates. It would be like a physically impaired character that, in contrast, frees up a ton of actions for other characters.

To me, my fellow PCs.

A Leshy guardian would be great, although a Leshy iconic brings up many questions. For instance, which other Iconics will become their chosen family? and how do you reconcile Iconics needing to be easily recognizable with the Leshy custom of changing their names periodically?

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I'd like a female hobgoblin for the commander. Maybe one with an injury or something that kept her from frontline duty.

For the Guardian... honestly not a class I have all that much interest in, feels like something that should just be an alternate Fighter chassis. So I'd want something weird as hell to put a little sizzle on it.

Orc commander is my bet. I feel like with the new spawn of Rovagug, Firehair ascending, Belkzen adventure, Orcs in the core book... It's their time.

Isn't the Iconic Inventor an Orc?

I think he's a half orc.

keftiu wrote:
Isn't the Iconic Inventor an Orc?

Droven is a dromaar.

What I most WANT is leshy or kholo, because I like them and I think they look really cool and we need to see more of them. Hobgoblin or orc are more likely, and would be acceptable, because those are also cool. I do NOT want it to be elf or human (or ai-whatsit), because we've seen a lot of them; UNLESS there's some really INTERESTING versatile heritage added. that I think about it, I'm just kind of tired of seeing characters with a skin colour that is possible for humans. And unless there's other major changes to the body (ie being a centaur, or... whatever's up with the faces of goblins), I don't want them to have a skin TEXTURE that's possible for humans.

I think a Pine, root, or some other woody leshy would be really cool as a guardian. Diversify the image of the leshy by making it tough instead of (or in addition to) being cute, and it just fits thematically

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In my perfect, selfish world? One is a human from Arcadia, the other is a Kholo.

Pronate11 wrote:
I think a Pine, root, or some other woody leshy would be really cool as a guardian. Diversify the image of the leshy by making it tough instead of (or in addition to) being cute, and it just fits thematically

Make them a root leshy and create the armortato.

I…really don’t need to see a gnome or halfling or dwarf Commander and definitely not gnome or halfling or dwarf Guardian.

I had an inkling a Leshy might appear, which would be sad for me as I just can’t like Leshies. And this from someone who has loved Vegepygmies since ADnD’s S3 Expedition to the Barrier Peaks.

If I was to get my heart’s desire, I’d like to see an awakened Polar Bear or Triceratops Guardian. I’ve been a fan of polar bear warrior image since the 80’s (well before reading a certain fantasy novel) and will admit the Triceratops is completely informed by a certain space-adventure embarked upon by a gang of irradiated shell-doods.

For a Commander…hmm. I see a lot of folk zeroing in on the cheerleading, non-fighting backline Commander. We already have Bards for that! (I kid! Kinda…) So I don’t want to see some demure dilettante. I wish to see a fully armored warleader, perhaps with an interesting weapon. Just because they are intelligent doesn’t mean they also can’t be bulked out or weaponised, and I feel it takes away from the idea that if you are bulked out or big that you are a dumb brute.

By the same token I don’t wish to see a gangly thin ancestry as a Guardian. Sure, they can be deft or agile, but that’s not what I’m hoping for in the iconic. As long as they aren’t a stolid monolith like a lot of “armored dwarven defender” style art I’ll be happy. Ok, we all know me. Not happy…but vaguely satisfied.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Themetricsystem wrote:

Here are my guesses:

One of them will be mentally, physically, and/or developmentally disabled, probably the Guardian.

One of them will be a Human with a Versatile Heritage.

They will likely both be women.

One of them will be at least middle-aged, perhaps even bordering on elderly.

Neither will follow the cultural norms of their actual ancestry.

I imagine the commander will be your human with the new dragonblood versatile heritage. Dragons are regal and commanding, like I imagine a military officer might be.

I'm hoping the guardian will be a gourd leshy reminiscent of Maple from Bofuri, and who is disabled only in that they lack a brain.

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