Perpdepog |
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I have a friend that is slowly going blind. I was woundering if there was a braille character sheets or a highly simplified character sheet that could be converted braille. He is scared that he will eventually not be able to even see a character sheet.
While I unfortunately don't know of any Braille character sheets, I never learned Braille myself, I have made use of a couple digital sheets accessible with screen reading technology. Pathbuilder isn't perfect, moving between all your feats is a bit of a bear at first, but it's pretty good overall.
I personally made a simple text doc for my own personal use. It's ugly, and it's more meant as a reference, rather than a one-stop shop because I have to still look up what a feat or spell might do if I've forgotten, but it's helped me out quite a bit.Also, while this is a more extreme option, and would require some buy-in from a government agency or similar most likely, you might want to look into a refreshable Braille display. It's essentially a computer screen which uses Braille layout instead of a more typical screen so that it can be read the same way as Braille.
I hope any of those ideas helped. I can post my simple text doc character sheet here as well, if you or your friend think it'd be useful.
Valantrix1 |
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I'm blind and I made my own character sheet in microsoft word. I absolutely loathe brail, so it was an easier option. Their is software out there that will read any of those sorts of documents. I just bring my laptop with me when gaming and its all right there at my fingertips. I also use ear buds so it doesn't distract my other sighted friends at the table. Either way, good luck to your friend.