Paizo and Libraries

Paizo General Discussion

Community and Social Media Specialist

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Paizo is dedicated to its mission of bringing gaming to everyone, because gaming is FOR everyone. I'm looking to more ways to help get people into libraries and playing our games. Does your local library have an organized Play presence? WHy or why not? How we can help foster more gaming communities in those libraries. Lets talk!

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A timely question!

Ann Arbor District Library Game Con Weekend coming up!

But, as far as I know, it's almost all DnD. They do have copies of the Player Core 1 and GM Core on the shelves.

edit: And Starfinder Core

Community and Social Media Specialist

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Dancing Wind wrote:

A timely question!

Ann Arbor District Library Game Con Weekend coming up!

But, as far as I know, it's almost all DnD. They do have copies of the Player Core 1 and GM Core on the shelves.

edit: And Starfinder Core

If you have a contact.... tell them to email the community inbox.

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One of our local branches has a surprising number of RPG books on its shelves: PF 1E CRB, lots of D&D 5E, Star Wars, and a smattering of other systems. Or they did pre-COVID, anyway; I haven't really been back to it enough since then to check if they still do.

Around this time last year, my wife (who was a VO then, and is now a VL) was investigating public spaces where we could run OP games, to try to revive in-person play in our area. Our FLGS had very limited hours post-COVID, and weekends were dominated by CCG events, so we had to find new venues.

She found that our local library system has meeting rooms that are available for use on a sign-up basis, but IIRC they had a strict limit on how often the same person/group can request space, in order to keep it available for others. We did run at least one game at a branch library before discovering some other options. However, one of those options (a new game/coffee/comics store) has since become a bit TOO popular and crowded, so we may go back to looking at libraries again.

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