Best items for a Pathfinder

Pathfinder Society


Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I've heard there are several items that are really popular for Pathfinders to possess for a variety of reasons; things like the pearly white spindle aeon stone that boosts your out-of-combat healing. What other popular/useful items are out there?

What items are your PFS favorites, and why?

Dark Archive 5/5

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

There is a level 1 magic ring, costs 15g, called the Ring of Discretion. Quite possibly my favorite item that I've bought so far. All it does is hide your armor and weapons.

That's it.

It's not even that hard to break. It's a Seek action vs a DC 15. But I just love walking up in the briefing, "Hi! My name is Ridley! I've got some skill with locks and that kind of stuff, and I can't wait to work with everyone to explore, report, cooperate! (You see this young woman with striking amethyst eyes, dark brown hair, and no armor, no weapons, just a bandolier with some thieves tools and a healer's kit.)"

Then in the first battle I whip out my short swords and BAM!

It's a lot of fun, but it's also really stupid and doesn't really do anything.

Radiant Oath 2/5

Definitely that pearly white spindle! You can't always count on having a healer at the table, and when your healer is also the front line (like my champion is), it's good for healing up while you're busy patching up your allies.

Most of my PFS characters with enough levels and money to buy Sleeves of Storage have done do. My sorcerer has them because her Str is low, some of her tools are heavy, and she likes to have a few tricks up her sleeve (literally). My investigator is stronger, but carries a great deal more adventuring gear (tools, camping gear, extra quivers, etc.). And my goblin champion needs to shunt away as much weight as possible because his armor and weapons are already enough to encumber his poor, faithful wolf mount (and a bag of holding is still too heavy to help much).

The Exchange 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 *****

Keirine, Human Rogue wrote:
There is a level 1 magic ring, costs 15g, called the Ring of Discretion. Quite possibly my favorite item that I've bought so far. All it does is hide your armor and weapons.

That ring is really neat. Is there a boon that grants access to it for PFS characters?

Scarab Sages 3/5 ***** Venture-Lieutenant, Nebraska—Bellevue

My champion of Cayden Cailean is fond of his walking cauldron. It can follow him through the adventure carrying 2 bulk of "other liquids". Fear not, I bring mugs for everyone.

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