Thanks for the Access

Pathfinder Society


Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I just noticed that a Chronicle Boon gave me access to a spell that is already accessible to everyone. What's that about? Is this a common occurrence in PFS?

Silver Crusade 5/5 5/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, Germany—Bavaria

Without knowing what scenario you are talking about, it is harder to answer, but please consider that spells occasionally get reprinted.
In general (outside of AP chronicles) unlocking access to spells is pretty rare.

4/5 ****

There are some scenarios (especially early ones) that gave access to items/spells that were already always available.

Probably a mistake, or maybe the item/spell etc changed final rarity from a draft verion to the final version and access was no longer necessary.

Not something to worry about or bother with.

Verdant Wheel *** Venture-Agent, Maine–Midcoast

Such snark!

The game has mechanics and story, and these two do not always need to be bound together.

Nothing stops you from telling a story about how your character learned the spell from an important NPC in the scenario you played. If you cannot see the value in that, I am lost as to what to tell you.

No boon / access required for imagination.


1/5 5/5

Sometimes, depending on when the scenario was written, the availability was much more restricted prior to subsequent printings and rulebook releases.

In such cases, the Boon acts as 'early access' or a 'sneak preview'.

In addition, being on the Chronicle chances accessibility to learn and use things versus 'basic' access in OrgPlay.

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