How would you rule noticula's profane ascension gift after her ascension as a deity?


If the players say struck a deal with her to help her ascend into the redeemer queen and part of that bargain was her giving them the ascension ability what would happen after she ascends?

Personally i think she would either just allow them to keep it as a profane bonus since she is a CN deity but how would someones else rule it?

Scarab Sages

Maniacwyrm wrote:

If the players say struck a deal with her to help her ascend into the redeemer queen and part of that bargain was her giving them the ascension ability what would happen after she ascends?

Personally i think she would either just allow them to keep it as a profane bonus since she is a CN deity but how would someones else rule it?

Is this based on the computer game because I'm not quite sure what you mean by giving them the ascension ability?

It does appear to be from the computer game. In which case I don’t think it belongs here.

Liberty's Edge

I think in Pathfinder 2 she is CN and the Redeemer Queen, but this is the first ed. Advice forum.

That said, personally, I would invent a name for a chaotic bonus. If we have holy and profane bonuses, I don't see when we don't have orderly and anarchic bonuses that can be granted with the appropriate spells or abilities.

Instead of creating two new categories I would combine all 4 into a single category of alignment bonus. The whole reason to have categories for bonuses is to prevent stacking. As it stands now there is a question of whether a holy and profane bonus stack, adding two more similar type makes that even worse.

Liberty's Edge

Mysterious Stranger wrote:
Instead of creating two new categories I would combine all 4 into a single category of alignment bonus. The whole reason to have categories for bonuses is to prevent stacking. As it stands now there is a question of whether a holy and profane bonus stack, adding two more similar type makes that even worse.

I think they are automatically incompatible if on different axes, but yes, calling them "Divine Gift (CE)" or "Dvinie Gift (CN)" and having them non-stacking works perfectly.

It's funny because the best generic name for that kind of bonus would be "moral", but we already have "morale" bonuses which would cause all kinds of confusion.

I would avoid divine because it is possible that an arcane caster could be able to cast spells that have this type of bonus. Besides divine is already an established game term and having another meaning for that term is going to be nearly as bad as the moral/morale confusion.

While a diametrically opposed bonuses would logically be incompatible mixing bonuses from different axis would not be. A lawful good character could have both a holy bonus and an orderly bonus. You could have 9 separate bonuses, but that seems like it is making the system more complicated instead of simplifying it.

No real change. Neutral deities can grant both profane and sacred bonuses. If you want you can rework it into a sacred bonus instead.

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