Fully Furnished Foundry Modules and Where to Find Them

Pathfinder Second Edition General Discussion

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

What adventure modules and adventure paths have been officially set up for Foundry VTT already (such as Abomination Vaults appeared to be), and where can I find them?

How do I set them up once I have access to them?

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

They don't easily show up in quick navigation in the store, but if you do a search for Foundry, you should end up with on option being the list of all Paizo's Foundry products.

If you already have the PDF, you sometimes want to click over to the "unavailable" tab, since you can get the [CODE only] version. Normal Paizo-store/inconsistent log-in state issues I think is why it forgets you qualify for the CODE version.

Once you purchase one there's typically three steps to using it:
1) go to your Digital Content page (under My Account, here on Paizo) and copy the key for the product you purchased.
2) go to your account on Foundryvtt under Purchased Content, activate that key.
3) if you're using the Forge for hosting, wait 10-15 minutes and it should show up in the bazaar to install. If you're hosting yourself, you can grab the manifest URL to use from the Package Link page for the module on Foundryvtt after activating the key.

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This may not be the right place to ask, but on a tangentially related note: Does anybody know why the Foundry VTT bundle seems to cost $1 more than buying them separately?

It may be my international neck of the woods, but when I look at the first book of Season of Ghosts I see
- Summer That Never Was VTT Bundle: $34.99
- Summer That Never Was Just PDF: $19.99
- Summer That Never Was VTT Code if you already have the PDF: $14.00

Unless I'm doing some embarrassingly bad math, buying the PDF and then getting the code separately should be ~20+14 = $34, while the VTT Bundle is ~$35. Is this maybe a typo exclusive to this example, or is there some other incentive with which I'm unfamiliar to buy the Bundle for +$1 and gain some kind of extra content?

I could hardly begrudge Paizo the extra dollar, but I'm just confused.

Dark Archive

Interesting enough there is a German only foundry campaign implementation for Age of Ashes.
I guess you can use maps, tokens etc, but afaik the inline text would be in German language.
https://www.ulisses-ebooks.de/product/415144/Pathfinder-2--Zeit-der-Asche-V TT-Key-fur-Foundry-kaufen?filters=44314_1000006_0

It's not paizo, but there's a newly released AP book #1 on dtrpg: Portal to Andror which comes with a completely set up Foundry module for free.

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