Second Edition Kingmaker Adventure Path

Kingmaker Second Edition

I am a bit confused as to which rule books this was written for. I am new to 2E as we just finished a 5 year 1E campaign. I have purchased 5 2E books so far.

1. Pathfinder Kingmaker Adventure Path Special Edition (Green Hardback)
2. Pathfinder Kingmaker Companion Guide Special Edition (Green Hardback)
3. Pathfinder GM Core Special Edition (Green Hardback)
4. Pathfinder Player Core Special Edition (Green Hardback)
5. Pathfinder Monster Core (Has not shipped yet...believe it is green hardback)

The page numbers in the AP do not seam to correspond with the rule books I bought. What am I missing? Second question is are there more than 1 version of the Gamemastery Guide? If so which was written for this AP?

Liberty's Edge

This thread should go to the PF2 Kingmaker AP board.

I flagged it so it could be moved there.

1 and 2 are indeed the Kingmaker AP, which was released using the first version of the PF2 rules.

3,4 and 5 are part of the core rulebooks for the Remastered version of the PF2 rules. Which is why the page numbers do not match.

The Archives of Nethys website has all the first version PF2 rules and creatures available for free. It will also have the Remastered version of the rules one day.

The Remastered version of the rules is extremely compatible with the first version which was used for PF2 Kingmaker. It is basically a rearranged and errataed version of the PF2 rules that also leaves behind things that were too much part of the DnD OGL, like alignment, schools of spells and several creatures.

But the core system works basically the same.

Note though that the Remastered core rulebooks will also include the Player Core 2 which is not on your list and will be released later this year.

It will have Classes like Sorcerer, Barbarian, Champion, Monk ...

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