Running AV not with Otari?

Abomination Vaults

I haven't read the whole AP yet but I was wondering if its possible to run the MegaDungeon without any of the Towns people alive. I know there is a Few times when Items are linked to Town members but other than that would anyone for see issues with Otari being deserted?

Thank You

Kelvorn wrote:

I haven't read the whole AP yet but I was wondering if its possible to run the MegaDungeon without any of the Towns people alive. I know there is a Few times when Items are linked to Town members but other than that would anyone for see issues with Otari being deserted?

Thank You

I can think of the following ty-ins that would need to be adressed:


Book 1:

- Wrin prompts the players to investigate the Ruins and start the adventure in the first place.
- Sideplot with the mitflits who plan to attack Otari
- Sideplot with the druid Mezmin has a connection to both the trader in town and the local druid circle
- Main plot with the dwarf Lasda who is used as a living anchor to power Gauntlight
- Main plot with the relics of the Roseguard (related to several townspeople, most notably the smith Carman Rajani).

Book 2:

- Sideplot with the Motly Man revolves around the mayor's daughter
- Sideplot with the bountyhunter revoles around Carman Rajani
- Main plot wiht Urevian revolves around Carman Rajani, though he could be dead for this part I guess

Book 3: no real problems here I think.

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