Heorbrand |

I'm creating a full party for the Kingmaker campaign for the computer game and I'd love to hear your advice and feedback in regards to the builds - while I have played both Pathfinder computer games (Kingmaker and Wrath of the Righteous) my knowledge is still limited. But why here, you might ask, this is a forum for the tabletop version? While that's of course true, I'll be playing the excellent Call of the Wild mod (which can be found here: https://www.nexusmods.com/pathfinderkingmaker/mods/112), which brings it closer to the Pen&Paper roots and adds a lot new classes and feats. Which is why I thought I'd ask here instead.
Here are all the builds (all done in Google Sheets to make it more readable):
1. [Main Character] Investigative Bruiser.
The idea here was to have a two-handed weapon with a buckler as well as to have a decent "Face" character, as some of the Diplomacy checks have to be performed by the party leader.
She's there to dish out damage as well as to demoralize and trip opponents.
The party tank and support. I know that a STR build would probably be stronger, but the rapier was chosen because of style considerations :)
Master enchanter and a debuffer - the longbow is there just to give her something to do in-between casting rounds (and was chosen for the style points, even if a crossbow would probably function better).
He's there to support the team and poke the enemies from behind the safety of a big shield.
6. Tristian the Holy Vindicator.
That's the build I've struggled with the most. While the Holy Vindicator seems like a very thematic choice for this specific character, I've wanted to use a scimitar as the main weapon and DEX - but the feat tax is just too high. So intead I have (tenatively) chosen Bastard Sword and a STR build plus the Shield Bash line - which seems fairly strong, but still, perhaps not the best choice for a follower of Sarenrae.
How would you improve those characters?
Some important caveats:
1. The game is very combat heavy (and difficult as well!) and as such I had to min-max to a fairly large degree. But I still try to add some flavour choices in regards to weapons used and/or archetypes chosen (that's the reason, for example, why I've chosen the Rake archetype for Octavia).
2. While the mod Call of the Wild mod introduces a lot of tabeltop features, it still unfortunately doesn't implement all of them - as such, not all feats/features will be available for selection.
3. While I can choose the race of the MC, I cannot change it for party members, so they are locked into it - not to their classes, however!