Replay question

Pathfinder Society

Shadow Lodge 3/5 *

Is the scenario Little Trouble in Big Absolom repeatable if reported to a different character than the original play?

4/5 ****

There's an Adventure by that name.

It is not repeatable.

Radiant Oath 1/5

You can replay a scenario by going into your Pathfinder
account and purchasing the Replay Boon for 40 APC

Pathfinder Society (second edition) Replay
Gain 1 replay, usable on any Pathfinder Society(second edition) scenario by any character. 40.00 APC

While it doesn't say it right here, I understand that this means replay with a different character.

4/5 ****

Little Trouble in Big Absolom is not a scenario, I'm not sure the boon helps.

Dark Archive 4/5 *** Venture-Lieutenant, Finland—Turku

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Guide says: wrote:
Granted and Purchased Replays can only be used on sanctioned content that is scenario-length or shorter. Each granted or purchased Replay allows one replay of an adventure you have already played as though that adventure had the Repeatable tag.

Little Trouble in Big Absalom is scenario length or shorter, so it's replayable with a replay. As usual, the same character can not have more than one copy of a chronicle sheet.

"Scenario-length or shorter" probably means anything that grants 4XP or less, so you can't use it to replay something like, a module or an AP book that grants 12xp, or that book of the dead adventure that gives 8xp if I recall correctly.

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