Arthurian Legends


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My friends and I are starting up a Arthurian Legend based campaign. I am stuck on a couple character ideas which i can not decide upon. I was wondering if any of you amazing people of the Paizo Forums could help me out.

The Current Idea List - All of them are some sort of Animal/Nature Themed (if I missed one of the big Animal/Nature themes please do let me know!)

- A Sprite Animist (I just want to try the playtest before War of the Immortal drops)
- A Mischievous Sprite Druid
- A Animal Instinct Barbarian
- A Mischievous Fey Bloodline Sprite Sorcerer

(In hind sight I Feel the Occult Tradition fits Fey better then the Primal Tradition. I can not be the only one right? Maybe I need to relook over the Primal Tradition Spell-List.)

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The other big animal/nature themes would probably be animal companion or warden spell ranger and beast or fey summoners. The occult spell list does fit fey trickery a bit more which is why fey bloodline sorcerers get a bunch of occult spells as bloodline spells.

Liberty's Edge

The Sprite Giant Barbarian might be fun too.

Oh, that would be 1quite fun but I think I got some things to do.

Wizard or Druid halcyon Speaker, unsure which is better.
or a Barbarian (Giant I think) martial, not sure which is more fun.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

SOMEONE in your party needs to be a fire kineticist. Or at least archetype into it and take Thermal Nimbus.

People have this image in their heads of Arthurian legend being kind of grounded, like an older take on Lord of the Rings.

Then you read it and see things like a bunch of men huddled around Sir Cei in a rainstorm because his body is so hot that the rain evaporates around him and keeps all the men dry.

Arthurian legend is bonkers and I love it.

Liberty's Edge

ElementalofCuteness wrote:

Oh, that would be 1quite fun but I think I got some things to do.

Wizard or Druid halcyon Speaker, unsure which is better.
or a Barbarian (Giant I think) martial, not sure which is more fun.

I recently discovered that Bard Halcyon Speaker is RAW AFAICT.

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