Aviel |

I was thinking of creating other items from other fallen heroes of the Crusades for each PC. Radiance will be adapted for our war cleric.
Are there rules for making items that level up? I found the 3.5 legacy items, and I'm not a fan of using that.
I worry if I make them off the cuff, some might end up too strong or too weak. So, I was hoping I was over looking some set rules out there.

Stip |
I created a legendary item for each of my PCs, focusing on things they could not otherwise create for themselves and PCs love them. It also gives me additional moments to reward them for story beats where their artifacts can charge.
I souped up Radiance for the character using it in part because they are not a full paladin (and so it lets them use an increasing percentage of their character levels as paladin levels for smite, dispel, lay on hands)
The person who has the trait where they descend from a god is related to the Herald in my campaign (who is a much larger character presence to increase the emotional resonance of book V). I gave her the armor the herald used as a mortal (discovered in the temple with the summoner in book 3). I also reskinned Radiance to be the Herald's sword, which she got in book V
The person with the Riftwarden background (a pure arcanist) got a staff that gradually confers all the riftwarden prestige class bonuses (enhanced by the spirit of his dead parents who were riftwardens killed by a mortal Xanthir Vang - he recovered this in the ivory sanctum. It was corrupted and needed the redeemed corruption forge to make it usable)
My transmuter wizard had an item from his background I turned into a latent powerful artifact that he needed to learn how to unlock that predated Earthfall that gave him a bunch of abilities to enhance his transmutations and increase his base attack bonus when he used knowledge checks to identify foes
My rogue who worships pharasma received a dagger from Nocticula that she claimed had the soul of a powerful pharasmite. Among its other abilities it confers all the domain powers of pharasma's various domains. If fighting a demon 4 HD or more it grants a bonus attack if the demon is below 50. A sufficiently powerful (think CR 20 or above) killed in this way actually creates a small midnight isle, as the dagger is an avatar/echo of Nocticula (in case I need to use her as a deus ex machina at some point)

Lord of Conflict |

a latent powerful artifact that he needed to learn how to unlock predated Earthfall that gave him a bunch of abilities to enhance his transmutations and increase his base attack bonus when he used knowledge checks to identify foes
Sounds like something made by a Runelord of Greed from old Thassilon. Any ties?

Stip |
Stip wrote:a latent powerful artifact that he needed to learn how to unlock predated Earthfall that gave him a bunch of abilities to enhance his transmutations and increase his base attack bonus when he used knowledge checks to identify foesSounds like something made by a Runelord of Greed from old Thassilon. Any ties?
yes, in fact. story wise i had it once belong to Alderpash, though it was created by the aboleth. ties in loosely with the modified cosmology im building the campaign around. - the real truth behind the earthfall. its in the (admittedly voluminous) prologue/cutscene narratives ive bee posting in that thread that will all pay off at the end (and long game center iomedae as a major character and the being that will ultimately close the WW)