Darknoth Chronicles Questions & Answers (New to the game)

Rules Discussion

I am putting together a human cleric, human fighter, and human wizard. These are the first Pathfinder characters I have made and have yet to play the game. I am learning the game system and am looking for guidance on rule questions. I will be the GM.

Page 41 of Player Core (remastered) states

Alternate Ancestry Boosts: Because of the wide variety of people within any ancestry, you can always choose to take two free boots to represent your character, even if the ancestry normally as three boosts and a flaw.

The Human Ancestry grants two free attributes. Are these the same two mentioned above or does this mean a person can begin with four attribute boosts from their Ancestry? Other Ancestries offer two boosts in specific attributes plus a free boost.

Also, can a human take a attribute flaw it they want? Is there anything in the rules that specifies that they can or cannot take flaws (I prefer characters with some flaws for roleplaying purposes and to better fit the mental image of the character.

Can someone explain this to me?

Lantern Lodge

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Each ancestry gives a set of boosts and flaws.

You can simply REPLACE the set of boosts and flaws specified for the ancestry with the Alternate Ancestry Boosts, basically getting two boosts to two attributes of your choice.

The Alternate Ancestry Boosts are basically the same as the Human ancestry boosts/flaws - two boosts to two attributes of your choice.

So a Human can give up his or her two boosts and replace them with two boosts (i.e. the human standard boosts versus the Alternate Ancestry Boosts are identical). Under no circumstances do you get both.

All ancestries, including Human, can take a Flaw, BUT unlike earlier versions of the game, you get nothing back for the Flaw other than the satisfaction of having gimped your character for roleplaying purposes. In earlier versions of the game, you could take flaws to get an additional boost, but that is no longer the rule under Pathfinder 2E Remaster.

Captain Zoom wrote:

Each ancestry gives a set of boosts and flaws.

You can simply REPLACE the set of boosts and flaws specified for the ancestry with the Alternate Ancestry Boosts, basically getting two boosts to two attributes of your choice.

The Alternate Ancestry Boosts are basically the same as the Human ancestry boosts/flaws - two boosts to two attributes of your choice.

So a Human can give up his or her two boosts and replace them with two boosts (i.e. the human standard boosts versus the Alternate Ancestry Boosts are identical). Under no circumstances do you get both.

All ancestries, including Human, can take a Flaw, BUT unlike earlier versions of the game, you get nothing back for the Flaw other than the satisfaction of having gimped your character for roleplaying purposes. In earlier versions of the game, you could take flaws to get an additional boost, but that is no longer the rule under Pathfinder 2E Remaster.

Ok, thanks for explaining how it works. I appreciate it very much.

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Also, for learning how to build characters and experimenting with things, I recommend some character building apps such as Pathbuilder2e (Android) or Wanderer's guide (browser based).

Finoan wrote:
Also, for learning how to build characters and experimenting with things, I recommend some character building apps such as Pathbuilder2e (Android) or Wanderer's guide (browser based).

Pathbuilder 2e works through the browser too ;)

Question When creating a character, I found the rule that states if you get a trained skill from more than one source, you select a different skill to be trained in. Does this apply to free skills?

The cleric I am rolling up has the acolyte background which grants the religion skill at the trained rank. Being a cleric also grants the religion skill at the trained rank. Therefore, I must take one of those and replace it with another skill of my choice and have that new skill at a trained rank instead of improving Religion. Simple enough, please correct me if I am wrong.

Here is where I begin to question things...

In the case of the cleric, my human heritage grants 1 free skill at a trained rank. Also, the cleric class allows 1 free trained skill of my choice. At character creation can either of these be applied to my Religion skill and raise it from trained rank to the expert rank because these are "free" skills? My interpretation of the rules is that you cannot become a Master in any skill until you reach 7th level or greater, but you can have the rank of expert at character creation. Or am I wrong, and trained is the highest rank you can achieve in a skill at character creation?

Can anyone clear this up for me?

On another note Under the Lore skill it lists Fortune-Telling Lore. Is this skill supposed to be some sort of accurate foretelling of a person's future or is it intended for scamming superstitious people? How would you judge or explain Fortune-Telling Lore?

My Goddess Oracle (for my world) is the Goddess of Time (destiny, divinization, fate, and prophecy). I am wondering if the Fortune-Telling Lore skill is a suitable Divine Skill?

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No, you cannot upgrade a trained skill to expert with those free trained skill options. "Trained" is what you get

Baarogue wrote:
No, you cannot upgrade a trained skill to expert with those free trained skill options. "Trained" is what you get

Ok, thank you very much.

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Creator of Darknoth Chronicles wrote:
On another note Under the Lore skill it lists Fortune-Telling Lore. Is this skill supposed to be some sort of accurate foretelling of a person's future or is it intended for scamming superstitious people? How would you judge or explain Fortune-Telling Lore?

You could do it for both, which is why both the fortune teller and false medium backgrounds give it to you. It would mainly be knowing about the different ways to tell fortunes and also how to apply them to make a living.

My Goddess Oracle (for my world) is the Goddess of Time (destiny, divinization, fate, and prophecy). I am wondering if the Fortune-Telling Lore skill is a suitable Divine Skill?

I would probably just give her occultism or arcana, giving a specific lore as a divine skill doesn't feel great because of how narrow it is. To give you an idea there is one thing you can worship to get a lore skill and its whatever lore you want and even then it lets you pick performance instead.

Is there anything in Pathfinder that is the equivalent to knowledge of Geography? If there is not using the Lore skill is simple enough. However it just seems like Geography would have been covered in the skills or feats. Am I overlooking a rule or ability regarding Geography Knowledge?

Meatshed wrote:
I would probably just give her occultism or arcana, giving a specific lore as a divine skill doesn't feel great because of how narrow it is. To give you an idea there is one thing you can worship to get a lore skill and its whatever lore you want and even then it lets you pick performance instead.

I looked through the deities in the Players Core book and didn't see any that gave Lore as a divine skill. Which being are you referring to? I'd like to read on it.

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One of the example topics for nature recall knowledge is geography.

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Creator of Darknoth Chronicles wrote:
Meatshed wrote:
I would probably just give her occultism or arcana, giving a specific lore as a divine skill doesn't feel great because of how narrow it is. To give you an idea there is one thing you can worship to get a lore skill and its whatever lore you want and even then it lets you pick performance instead.
I looked through the deities in the Players Core book and didn't see any that gave Lore as a divine skill. Which being are you referring to? I'd like to read on it.

Its a pantheon, The Enlightened Scholar's Path.

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Creator of Darknoth Chronicles wrote:
Meatshed wrote:
I would probably just give her occultism or arcana, giving a specific lore as a divine skill doesn't feel great because of how narrow it is. To give you an idea there is one thing you can worship to get a lore skill and its whatever lore you want and even then it lets you pick performance instead.
I looked through the deities in the Players Core book and didn't see any that gave Lore as a divine skill. Which being are you referring to? I'd like to read on it.

if you don't own a lot of other books you can refer to the Archives of Nethys site. It's the official prd for Pathfinder

One of the example topics for nature recall knowledge is geography.

Would it be Society to learn about geography like cities and states? Since they are "humanoid made".

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turtle006 wrote:
One of the example topics for nature recall knowledge is geography.
Would it be Society to learn about geography like cities and states? Since they are "humanoid made".

Yeah, natural geography would be nature, while stuff like borders and city layouts would be society.

Liberty's Edge

Lore : Tian Xia should help with matters relating to both when in Tian Xia, for example.

Question: With the ORC and Pathfinder 2 license where can I go to ask SPECIFIC questions about what material is open game content and what is not?

For example, my understanding is that any reference to Golorian , Age of Lost Worlds is not open game content. No problem. However, in the Pathfinder 2 GM Core book chapter 3 is about AGE OF LOST OMENS and this is where Paizo lists the planes: ex. Plane of Fire, Plane of Air, Astral Plane, Ethereal Plane, Elysium, Abaddon, Hell, Heaven, Nirvana, and so on.

Are the names (titles) of these planes copyrighted and therefore cannot be mentioned at all? I find it difficult to believe that any company can copyright these names given that they appear in ancient texts and religions throughout the real world that have existed for centuries. For example, Christianity uses the terms Heaven, Hell, and Abaddon within the context of their religion. Yet these appear under the Glorian Age of Lost Omens section of the book.

My goal is to produce a product and write it in a way that is 100% COMPATIBLE with Paizo licensing but I have specific questions about things. So is there a place on the message board forums that the Pathfinder STAFF MEMBERS answer specific questions to avoid copyright infringement.

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