Sigh |

Okay, so basically what I have going on is I've been going around and making statted sheets for some of the streamers I watch on Twitch, specifically Vtubers that use animated avatars in place of a normal camera. A lot of these types of streamers will use fantasy-themed designs and will often present themselves to viewers as if embodying the lore of that design.
But I digress. The actual reason why I'm looking for a bit of advice is because one of the streamers I'm looking to build a stat array for has the background that she is essentially a Hellhound who used to be fully dog-shaped, but she had a "pure heart" (aka is Good aligned) and was summarily kicked out of Hell, while also being forced into a new, humanoid shaped body to "curse" her for her twisted existence. That first half of her lore is easy enough, literally just take that alignment section and tweak it to LG instead of LE, but then the part about being given a new, more humanoid form has me stumped. There are plenty of templates that will make a creature more like an Outsider, there are a few templates that can warp a creature's body to be less human, but at least from what I've found there's no templates that go in the other direction. I mean, I could just take the existing Hellhound stats then just apply the effects of, I suppose, Anthropomorphic Animal? But that feels cheap, and I also am not sure how to reflect that in the creature type section.
Any insights or opinions on this would be appreciated.

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Well my first thought is go read the blood of fiends and make her a Tiefling with variant traits. Sure they're typically the offspring of a humanoid race and demon but you could easily flavour it the other way and have a non-humanoid hellhound forced into a more humanoid Tiefling body. Then apply alternate traits and features in that book.
For example give her bite or claw in place of spell like abilities, a canine muzzle (especially if using bite above), Ears pointed, head caninelike for a doglike head, legs backward bending (doglike), tail mammalian (doglike), teeth fanged (doglike). She know's she was a hellhound but could try and pretend to be a "normal" tiefling or even a partially failed werewolf cure. Sure you'd need to be very lucky on the rolls to get most of this when building a character but as your DM you can override that and just have a black skinned, dog headed creature.
A lot of the informations on Nethys here Tiefling..
There is also the homebrewed 3.5 humanoid monster which might give you some ideas.