Could you please recommend PFS scenarios that use the Ultimate Intrigue Influence system?

Pathfinder Society

Hello All! My group thoroughly enjoyed the initial section of “War for the Crown” - “Crownfall”. Could you please recommend scenarios that use the Ultimate Intrigue Influence system?

Thank you!

Grand Lodge 4/5 **

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Assuming it's PFS1e, which War for the Crown is, I did a quick search for Influence System. Theses are the scenarios that popped up:

#4-9 The Blakros Matrimony
#7-14 Faithless and Forgotten I: Let Bygones Be
#7-22 Bid for Alabastrine
#8-14 To Seal The Shadow
#10-02 Bones of Biting Ants

They may not use the Ultimate Intrigue influence system (some old scenarios had their own systems detailed in the scenario), but, it's a start for what you may be looking for.

I remember GMing #8-14 when it was released and had quite some difficulty running the Influence System in that one. It may have been the scenario that introduced the Ultimate Intrigue Influence System to PFS.

Grand Lodge 4/5 **

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Oh! Also, some of these scenarios deal with the lead up to the War for the Crown AP.

Specifically this one.

Thank you for the reply, Roll4Initiative! Good information! That was a good idea to do a search. How did you do that?

An internet search for Pathfinder Influence System?

A search on the discussion lists for Influence system?

Your help would be greatly appreciated!

Grand Lodge 4/5 **

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I went to the PFS GM Discussion forum and typed "influence system" in the search bar.

For the Sovereign Court scenarios on the Pathfinderwiki, I have that page saved on my phone since I have 2 Sovereign Court PCs trying to do all of the SC scenarios.

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Thank you again, Roll. I hope your group enjoys the Sovereign Court!

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