Hello, and I hope everyone is well. Sometimes we need a change of pace, so what are the funniest Pathfinder Society adventures you’ve come across? I’m particularly interested in stories where players can tweak the nose of illegitimate, authoritarian or violent opponents. Your help as always would be greatly appreciated! # Funniest wackiest zaniest adventure adventures funny wacky zany adventure ![]()
Thank you for the reply, Jason S.! I'm happy to receive any additions to this discussion as I find it to be an extremely important topic. At Gen Con Indy, my family and friends played another scenario with a potentially non-violent ending: "Dacilane Academy's Delightful Disaster". As an added bonus, we really enjoyed the surprise (for us) refereeing by the scenario's author, Matt Morris! ![]()
To Whom It May Concern: Good morning, and I hope you and yours are well. I'm writing because on 3 different devices and 3 different browsers I get signed out when I search for a thread. The devices are: iPad and iPhone: Safari and Duck Duck Go. PC laptop: Firefox. The forum is working correctly on the PC laptop using Chrome. Hope it's helpful. ![]()
Hi everyone! To help prepare my family for Gen Con online, can anyone by any chance add to the list of PFS scenarios I’ve collected below that have potentially non-violent solutions / endings? The last addition looks like it was from around 2020. Please contribute if you can. Thank you! Compilation of Suggestions and votes in order by Edition and #
Hi everyone. I’ll throw in some kudos for “War for the Crown: Crownfall”. Our players enjoyed the intrigue-focused, 1st third of the adventure more than any other part and enjoyed the adventure overall. Even more important for me is that the 2nd installment of the series, “Songbird, Scion, Saboteur”, has an interesting mechanic on how to conclude the story in a non-violent manner. If people have information on non-violent options in Pathfinder Adventure Paths please provide your input on the thread I started here: https://paizo.com/threads/rzs433p8?Pathfinder-Adventure-Paths-with-nonviole nt Also, here’s a survey about Adventure Paths with lots of responses that also asks about role-playing: https://www.reddit.com/r/Pathfinder_RPG/comments/4ajsbf/adventure_path_surv ey_results/ Hope these thoughts are helpful! ![]()
Good morning, all. Thanks for the encouraging post, Carrauntoohill! I’ve confirmed Evan Tarlton’s point about the Crownfall path in that the second installment, “Songbird, Scion, Saboteur” by Crystal Frasier and Richard Pett has an interesting mechanic for a non-violent solution. Have a good day, everyone! ![]()
Thanks for the replies keftiu and Errant Mercenary! I’m glad I revisited this post because we’re getting more excellent feedback. We’re currently playing “Strength of Thousands” (SOT) and I noticed and appreciate the effort by Paizo to diversify the role-playing experience. I am embarrassed to admit that I missed a non-violent solution in SOT myself, so I am writing down a new procedure for interacting with non-player characters that comes from the technique called Non-Violent Communication. I’ll start conflict situations with the question or observation about the questions, “What are you feeling?” and “What are your needs?” This is a powerful tool from which I’m even seeing dividends in the rpg called life! We are alternating this campaign with “War for the Crown”, which was recommended earlier in this thread, and I am happy to report that the players enjoyed the social intrigue first portion of “Crownfall” more than the combat sections afterward. I think that a key element of this enjoyment is the Influence system set up in “Ultimate Intrigue”, simplified in “Crownfall” and improved, according to a family member, in the “Gamemastery Guide” 2e. Thank you, Paizo! ![]()
Good everning, all. Sorry about the delay in responding. Paizo was apparently having some website issues. Goblin Priest, thanks for the heads up. So far, so good, so let’s keep talking respectfully, folks! Thread Necromancer, interesting observation, and thank you as well. Definition: “Vitalism is the belief that "living organisms are fundamentally different from non-living entities because they contain some non-physical element or are governed by different principles than are inanimate things". (Wikipedia) ![]()
Good morning all, and Happy New Year! Reksew, thanks for the reply. To answer your question, maybe we have done a couple of useful things to ensure that our conversation here is constructive. First of all, we defined the term political to make it clear that’s not the sort of thing we are discussing here. We are discussing the inclusion of the social phenomenon of racism in Pathfinder adventures. Second, we discussed strategies of how to address anyone who might want to violate forum rules. Hope the clarification is helpful! ![]()
Good morning all. Hope everyone’s well. In reading “Crownfall” for our PFS group, I have noticed some subtle references to Taldorian racist and ati-racist factions in Part I. Don’t know how to cover up spoilers on this device, so I’ll leave it at that for now. Hope it’s interesting, and Happy New Year! ![]()
From the “Council of Thieves” Player Guide (5): Tieflings enjoy an unusual status in Cheliax, though perhaps “enjoy” is the wrong word. Chelish diabolists view tieflings as subordinate to humans. Tieflings are seen as lesser beings, born of human fallibility or devilish trickery. Noble houses hide tiefling heirs away, ashamed of their very existence, or reluctantly allow them some control over the family business (usually if there is no other reliable heir available). ![]()
Thanks for the reply, Artofregicide! From the “Council of Thieves” Player Guide (4):
Thanks for the replies, David and Particular! Here’s a description of Morlocks that may have connections with “The Serpent’s Skull”. Does this play out at all in the adventure? “The ecology of the morlocks is similar to human ecology but has been debased by the millennia spent underground. Their regression was the result of several factors. First was inbreeding which was both forced by the dire situation and exacerbated by the ancient Azlanti's obsession with keeping their bloodlines pure.”
Thank you! ![]()
Good afternoon, everyone. Melkiador, Artofregicide, thanks for the replies! Artofregicide, what are Zimmerwalds? In general, I note that there is a good amount of concern here about forum trolls. Here is the approach I use on social media to deal with trolls modified for this forum: 1) Start with an attitude that you:
Most importantly, enjoy the conversations. Hope it’s helpful! ![]()
Thanks for the feedback, Sysryke and Melkiador! Here’s something that I just came across which is more Pathfinder ancestry oriented: “Despite this cosmopolitan veneer, Taldor remains a stubbornly old-fashioned, humanocentric empire with little regard for non-humans. Stigma toward part- humans such as half-orcs, half-elves, and geniekin is especially virulent, with some humans openly labeling such folk “mongrels” or worse. Half-elves descended from noble Taldans generally have the resources to live in comfort, but at the cost of lifelong reclusion. Halflings, gnomes, and half-orcs are considered suitable only for roles as servants.” (War for the Crown Player’s Guide) ![]()
Hi again, thejeff. Please note that the full example says “Parody threads of political figures or current politically charged events”. The only parody that came up around here is my 3 Stooges-influenced player character! S;-) Again, we can focus on Pathfinder stories that discuss the social phenomenon of racism and possibly any connections to real-world racism that I and others could draw from when running those stories. ![]()
Thanks for another quick reply, Java Man! Java Man has confirmed that we should avoid politics. So: Again, the definition of politics, "the art or science of government". https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/politics "For the community's reference, here is a list of potential examples of threads we will no longer host: Politically charged current events, such as elections or ballot initiatives
https://paizo.com/threads/rzs2uehv?Political-Threads-No-Longer-Hosted-on-Pa %20izocom It looks good to me. ![]()
Thanks for the replies, thejeff and Java Man! Melkiador, I thought your screen name looked familiar. I was using your guide to Slayers just last night! I finished building my ethnicity-bending, non-violence and 3 Stooges-influenced (believe it or not) 1e Rogue / Slayer up to 20th level today in part due to your help. Thank you! Java Man, I hear your concerns about politics and the combustibility of the internet, or its propensity to flame. I think that this is not something that we should shy away from. Instead, I think the internet’s nature to divide is something that we need to engage with. We can agree to disagree, and I may be wrong. thejeff, I hear your concerns about politics on the forum. Merriam-Webster defines politics as “the art or science of government”.
Nevertheless, I want to make sure to do right here. I looked without success for a forum discussion or behavior policy and could not find one. The closest thing I could find is the Organized Play Code of Conduct, and I see no problems there.
Does anyone happen to know how I can find the forum rules? Thank you! ![]()
Thanks for the replies, mardaddy, Melkiador and Artofregicide! Melkiador and Artofregicide, "Hell's Rebels" is sounding better and better! Mardaddy, as we discuss racism as a theme in Pathfinder, I think that we should agree to disagree from the start, and to be ready to acknowledge that we might be wrong. I think these basic attitudes will keep us open to a constructive conversation on an important topic. As I mentioned at the beginning of this thread, rpgs are a powerful tool for exploring ideas and perspectives, and I want my players and especially my young players to explore important issues like rising racism in the U.S. I think one of the reasons that racism is increasing in the U.S., as we can see in the spike of racist hate crimes as documented by the Southern Poverty Law Center, is that we have not learned how to reconcile the well-researched advantages of diversity, democracy, and the new environment of the internet. Just like I want my players to explore the idea of racism, I think that it would be good for us to be able to explore the idea here on this forum as well with respect and openness. Once again, I might be wrong, and we might disagree, and that’s ok. ![]()
Good afternoon, everyone. Melkiador, Mardaddy, thanks for the input! I’ll add your thoughts to the suggestions. Sounds like an interesting, potential metaphor for racism in the USA, for example, where so many African-Americans are of a mixed background due to abuses in the past and presently continue to suffer from housing discrimination. ![]()
Good evening, all. Java Man, PCScipio, Sysryke, thanks for the replies! Sysryke, I suspect that people were referring to racism expressed in these different ways you mention. That at least was what I was was doing when I mentioned Pathfinder Society scenario 1-07 Flooded King’s Court where there is race-based housing discrimination. I guess we’d have to ask the participants to confirm. ![]()
Good afternoon, all. Sysryke, PFRPGrognard, Davor, thanks for the replies! Sysryke, thanks for the definitions! PFRPGrognard, effective example of the use of stereotyping in an adventure! Davor, I agree with Sysryke that the debate about whether there is racism within Pathfinder is a topic that has been handled elsewhere. One can find some of those discussions by searching ‘racism’ in the forums. Our topic is whether Paizo had published adventures which touched upon the topic of racism, and we have found several examples. Here’s what I have so far: Carrion Crown: xenophobia
Are we missing anything? ![]()
DeathlessOne, MrCharisma, thanks for the replies! ‘Morning all! DeathlessOne, thank you for sharing your personal thoughts and experiences on racism. Also, you’re right I confused Hell’s Rebels with Hell’s Vengeance. I would probably lean to running the former. Mr. Charisma, thank you for the Cthulu product suggestion. I also came across this product for D&D 5. Sadly, it seems to rip off Paizo’s ideas for 2e of background and heritage. https://www.polygon.com/reviews/2020/7/9/21317614/dungeons-dragons-dnd-race -ancestry-and-culture-book On a side note, I must say that I agree with the direction that Paizo went with 2nd edition by eliminating the term race in favor of background and heritage. Speaking of Pathfinder 2e reminds me that the Society scenario 1-07 Flooded King’s Court has the theme of housing discrimination, and although I’m still not completely comfortable with the depiction of Goblins in the adventure, I like Paizo’s idea of bringing marginalized groups like Goblins into players’ societies. ![]()
Thanks for the replies, DeathlessOne, Sysryke, PFRPGrognard, and PCScipio! DeathlessOne, the racial bonuses aspect of Pathfinder brings up the question of racism within the game, not the idea or theme of racism as expressed within a story or adventure. The former is something that has probably been discussed in another forum. I’d rather focus on the latter.
PFRPGrognard, DeathlessOne, I agree that symbols and allegories are powerful tools for dealing with this issue. At the same time, one of my groups is a Society game, so I feel that it might constrain artistic license and am looking for as many resources as possible. PCScipio, DeathlessOne, good information on the role of Halflings in “Hell’s Rebels”. Writing that one down! ![]()
Thanks again, Scavion! “Ruins of Azlant”: “Ruins of Azlant” touch on racism? I came across a reference that the Rune Lords drove out Xin because he was not Azlanti supremacist enough. “Xin was exiled by the mystics who ruled the nation of Azlant for promoting the belief that the Azlanti could learn something from and should cooperate with the other races of Golarion.” https://pathfinderwiki.com/wiki/Thassilon Rise of the Runelords: This reference above points to racism amongst the Runelords. ![]()
Thank you for the replies TxSam88, VoodistMonk and DeathlessOne! TxSam88: Carrion Crown might be a contender. I’ve written it down. VoodistMonk: Thank you for the kind words about what we’re doing here. I agree you have to know your audience. DeathlessOne, and VoodistMonk, we agree that some intellectual heft to our stories can go a long way. I also enjoy catching my players’ attention with political references regarding issues like this. Neriathale, I can see the colonial references in Sargava. Sargava, “The Serpent’s Skull”
Cheliax, “Hell’s Vengeance”
Thank you! ![]()
Thanks for the replies, Matthew, Arto, Geraint, Sheepish and Neria! Role-playing is a powerful tool for people to explore ideas and perspectives, so I want my players, and particular my young players, to have an opportunity to pursue important topics in our stories as you are able to in Star Trek, for example.