Maps of Casmoran and / or the Castrovin Sea

Pathfinder Second Edition General Discussion

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Does anyone know where official maps of these can be found? All the maps I've found on my own via google have been wildly inconsistent, and don't site a source (leading me to think many of them are labors of love by fans, rather than official material). Any help on this is appreciated.

E-div_drone wrote:

Does anyone know where official maps of these can be found? All the maps I've found on my own via google have been wildly inconsistent, and don't site a source (leading me to think many of them are labors of love by fans, rather than official material). Any help on this is appreciated.

There is one official, but low-res version of the world and Casmaron in GM Core, page 144.

But I guess, you know that one already, don't you?

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Here are higher-resolution versions of the world map and continental maps, incl. Casmaron:

Deeplink to Casmaron: caleb-globe-3.jpg

It's from Rob McCaleb, cartograph and freelance contributor for above world maps. I presume, these can be counted as official maps.

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Older threads that could lead you to additional regional maps of Casmaron:

I've stumbled about an Iobara map in the past, though I haven't checked it's authenticity and location.

Apart from that: Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Distant Shores (PF1e) is supposed to have more details of city Ular Kel in Casmaron. Haven't double-checked, so I mainly rely on what linked page says.

Hope that helps you a little bit.

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