warrior329 |
Hello, I've noticed that your site is broken. I input my information to buy a product. It was initially input incorrectly. I changed it to the correct information. For some reason, instead of refreshing and putting in the new information it keeps putting the old information with card declined at the bottom of the screen. You may wish to fix this bug/ design oversite in your store. Please send me a message when the issue has been fixed so I may purchase my product.
Cosmo Director of Sales |
We got rid of all but one payment method on your account. You should have jsut the one on there now, and shouldn't have any further issues. If you find that you are still having issues, please email customer.service@paizo.com and the CS team will get you sorted.
Gisher |
Hello, I've noticed that your site is broken. I input my information to buy a product. It was initially input incorrectly. I changed it to the correct information. For some reason, instead of refreshing and putting in the new information it keeps putting the old information with card declined at the bottom of the screen. You may wish to fix this bug/ design oversite in your store. Please send me a message when the issue has been fixed so I may purchase my product.
I've had the same issue for years, but I've found that I can make purchases if I reset the payment method to my current card every single time that I make a purchase. Unlike every other payment site that I use, the Paizo site doesn't seem to have any way to delete expired payment methods. It's weird.