What is the Best Way to Find a Wizard on Archives of Nethys?


Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

I was looking to find NPC opponents to fill a role in various encounters; so I hit up Archives of Nethys and I ran into a problem.
For the context of my target, I was looking for a wizardly NPC opponent around 5th level or so... and I ran into a problem because the NPCs listed by character name usually didn't tell me much of anything in most cases. There was no Creature Family for "Wizards." The Mystics family was a mix of priests and arcanists, mostly diviners and holy-folk types, so a chunk didn't fit. Necromancer worked in a pinch, but needed re-flavoring.

I understand that in Pathfinder 2e, NPCs and Monsters aren't built the same as PCs and don't have to have classes and that's cool! But is there a better way to search if you have specific combat needs for your NPC opponents?

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The Problem is that there will Not many generic Wizard enemies around, most of them are named

If you want some Wizard for your Party to fight it's probably better to handcraft it

Under pf2.tools you can find a Monster builder where you can let suggestions be entered to quickly Assemble a Startblock, otherwise it follows the Rules of the Game master Guide / the upcoming GM core

You only have to figure out the spellist yourself but imo that is better off handcrafted anyway

Liberty's Edge

Or you build the NPC like a PC.

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

In Archives of Nethys, go to Creatures:
* put "Arcane Prepared" in the text search box
* click Traits and select Humanoid (under Creature Type)

You might still be better crafting the wizard yourself, but maybe this will help you find a chassis to build it onto with a bit less effort.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

The title of this thread really makes me wonder if there isn’t a secret dating society in Golarion called “the archives of Nethys” where wizards can “find” each other.

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I will clamor for a PF2e NPC Guide. Probably the most invaluable sourcebook from 1st edition was the NPC Guide.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
Cintra Bristol wrote:

In Archives of Nethys, go to Creatures:

* put "Arcane Prepared" in the text search box
* click Traits and select Humanoid (under Creature Type)

You might still be better crafting the wizard yourself, but maybe this will help you find a chassis to build it onto with a bit less effort.

Wow, that helps a bunch; much appreciated!

I can dig the idea of hand crafting NPC foes, but I'm running two games (alternating weeks,) and still learning 2E from a GM perspective; on top of ... like, life, so having a pre-made roster of options helps.

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Starfinder Superscriber
DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:
I will clamor for a PF2e NPC Guide. Probably the most invaluable sourcebook from 1st edition was the NPC Guide.

Yup. If you want monsters in Pf2e, they've got you covered. If you're running an adventure, they got you covered.

If you want a generic NPC with a set of feats from various classes or spells, you're pretty much doing all the legwork yourself.

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