Ant swarm controlling an arboreal

Rules Discussion

Hello, I search a creature that I see in a pdf product from Pathfinder.

It s an ant swarm controlling an arboreal.

If someone remembers where is it, can you indicate me where is it ?

Thanks for your future help.

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

The Hivebound Arboreal was in the 6th volume of the Strength of Thousands AP (Shadows of the Ancients).

Liberty's Edge

Cintra Bristol wrote:
The Hivebound Arboreal was in the 6th volume of the Strength of Thousands AP (Shadows of the Ancients).

Spoiler format would be appreciated for those who have not played it yet.

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Pathfinder Maps Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Sorry, wasn't thinking, and I got back too late to edit it. I just self-flagged to request they add a Spoiler tag.

Horizon Hunters

This is also not the forum for asking where certain creatures are from.

Thanks, Cintra.

Sorry for the error of the forum.

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